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How Many Rickenbacker Players Have You Met?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:35 am
by admin
Sheena: I recall when you were awaiting the arrival of your Rickenbacker that you mentioned that Rickenbackers were few and far between in the Russian Federation.

Since you have been playing yours, have you been introduced to any other Rickenbacker fans in Russia?

Re: How Many Rickenbacker Players Have You Met?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:06 pm
by sowhat
To tell you the truth, Peter, — no. At least, not in flesh. There is a Russian livejournal community dedicated to Rickenbackers, though. Here. At least, i know now that Russian Rickenbacker fans exist. :wink: But, as you can see from the community info, there's not so many of them.
But, on the other hand, i now notice Rickenbackers when i see them, and i found out, to my big surprise, that there are a few local bands who use them (including one of my favourite bands, the one which you're now familiar with :wink: ). And now it's hard for me to believe that someone may not notice a Rickenbacker when he or she sees it — they have a special look, indeed.