Rickenbacker Registry Beta Testing

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Rickenbacker Registry Beta Testing

Post by admin »

Please feel free to test the Rickenbacker Registry Analyses and Registration System that has been in the works for some time. Eventually you will be seeing this section by selecting "Database" from the main menu of the Rickenbacker Registration Page. The benefit of the new system, is that updates will take place "almost live" as the computer will take over the work that I am unable to do by hand. Please understand that there are still bugs in this new section but I wanted those interested to be able to see the latest. At present it does not differ in any noticeable way from the current Registry but the manner in which the information is displayed is quite different. As soon as the bugs are out, the backlog of data will be transferred to the new system. Thanks for your patience. The Beta Testing section is here.
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Post by thunder_monkey »


Thanks so much for all your efforts. I can't imagine how difficult and time consuming this work must be. Truly a labor of love and one which is very much appreciated.
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Post by rkbsound »

I think I asked this question way-back-when, but in looking at the analyses for model types, the 360 wins hands down. Yet, doesn't RIC claim that the 330 is their most popular model? I know that registrations depend on who registers what, and is not necessarily representative of actual guitars produced. But shouldn't the numbers be a lot closer between the 330 and 360? For the record, I had to take statistics twice in college. The second time was not voluntary, and the results not much better!
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Post by admin »

Mr. Phelps: You are correct in saying that the Model 330 is the best seller and that there are more of these models out there than any other model. John Hall has gone on record with this information and I suspect that the statement still stands today as it did a couple of years back.

Your point about the Rickenbacker Registry data showing Model 360s in the lead is well taken. While I don't claim to have all the answers, I think that there are a number of problems collecting information online that may explain the discrepancy.

To begin, the sample size of the data in the database as it stands is only 2,000 data points or so. Believe me, I will be adding a backlog which will increase this number significantly, however, the question remains to what extent is this Registry representative to the total population of Rickenbacker guitars worldwide. So in another several thousand data points we may see the trend of which you speak, more Model 330s than Model 360s.

Further, all we really know from this current Registry sample is about the instruments submitted by those who have computers and are online. This is likely a small number relative to the total of people who have Rickenbackers. While certainly debateable, those with computers may have more available income to spend on Rickenbackers. This may lead them to purchasing higher end models such as the Model 360 or Signature Editions.

Sorry to be so long winded. I have spent more time thinking about this data than perhaps I should. My view is that a larger sample size may lead us to see a different result than we see with the current sample.

Finally, those who are really enthusiastic and earning a living by playing their Rickenbacker are out there every day and don't have the time to devote to online endeavours as yours truly. I should be out playing my Rickenbacker more.

In the end, this is still a hobby and fun for me, which is why I continue with the project. Thanks for your comments. There is so much to learn about the production and history of these instruments.
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Post by rkbsound »

Thanks, Peter. Your point about income, computers, and time are well taken. Excuse the lingo, but perhaps you are right and the 330 is more of a "working musicians" axe. Those full time at it may indeed have little time for posting here. Makes me think about how much time I spend reading and posting here! The 330 is a fabulous guitar, as I can personally attest, and I see no reason why it wouldn't indeed be the best selling Rickenbacker.
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