Outside Performance

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Outside Performance

Post by steve350v63 »

I play in a rock band at small to medium clubs. We just booked a gig to play outside at a Hotel in Florida. We have never performed outside before.
Is there anything we need to do differently with our guitar amps and/or our PA setup. I would like to hear from anyone who has played outside.
Thanks, Steve.
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Post by doctorwho »

The last time I played outside was nearly 30 years ago, and my band was not professional by any means. However, if I remember how it was, I think that there wasn't much difference except for the lack of any reflected sound. We didn't use monitors (couldn't afford them, being a basement band) but I don't remember there being a problem hearing everyone else. At the time I was playing my 1967 ES-335TDC (which I still have to this day) through a 1969 Fender Bandmaster Reverb (2x12" Fender by Utah speakers).

Hopefully some of the 'real' musicians that frequent this venue will fill in some details of playing outdoors. Otherwise, here's hoping you have a good time of it!
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Post by banta »

I've played about 100 gigs outside, the last time being about 10 years ago. As long as you're not trying to play for an area as large as a football field you should be ok with your regular indoor venue PA. You will have no trouble hearing everything using your monitors, but you might want to add some side fills if you don't normally use them. Be careful not to set anything up in direct sunlight, and bring some good fans!
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Post by leftybass »

Monitors definitely, if there is not a lot for your sound to reflect from. You could do it with out them, but in most cases they will help....

Post by ricnvolved »

Steve-- You have my genuine sympathy. And I'm not being sarcastic. I've absolutely hated everytime I've played outdoors. Either the summer sun was melting me to a frazzle, or the humidity was keeping the guitars constantly out of tune. I'm a bass player, so I really wasn't affected in that regard. But it was maddeningly common for the guitar strings to break, especially in the evening hours. The frustration is annoying and makes the whole gig completely unsatisfying. The ONLY benefit I can think of is the blessed relief from not having to inhale the cigarette smoke; at the end of the evening my eyes and nostrils are burning and watering like you wouldn't believe.

And the sound IS different when you are accustomed to practicing/playing in an enclosed area. Front or side monitors will help a lot, but it's still not the same.
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