Toasters: Old vs. New vs. "C" & "V" seri

Building pickups from the ground up

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Post by tracy »

Old thread revival: I think you've hit on it boys! The 21st century Rickenbacker is highly superior in every way to anything they made in the sixties. Herein we encounter the conundrum. As best I can explain it, the quirkiness factor is gone, they're so dadblamed (&*%#!) perfect.
Show him the shirts, Adrian.
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Post by soundmasterg »

I've never heard an older RIC in person, so I don't have first hand experience to base anything on, but if there is a sound different between the new and old pickups, I wonder if maybe RIC is using different wire insulation thicknesses nowadays? The companies that make the magnet wire are often changing their specs and unless someone is really on top of it, they can wind a pickup with what is supposed to be the same wire, but isn't quite the same, and the sound is quite different as a result.
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