Why does the R&R hall of fame ignore Yes?

The genius of Chris Squire

Post by jwr2 »

somebody could do a web site for a Rock Music Hall of fame ... and instead of just filling it up with ego-maniac substance abusers who possess minimal musical talent fill it up with those bands who actually have talented players ...
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Post by expomick »

Why do you even care? It's the freakin' Rock and Roll Hall-of-Fame. It's as institutionalized as it can get for a music form that still thinks it's rebellious.

A TON of great bands of all genres are not in there, and probably never will be.

It don't matter.
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Post by shamustwin »

The RRHF has about as much cred as the Grammys do lately.
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Post by woodyng »

at least yes got one of those! (grammy) for "cinema" (best intrumental or some such category)-but i tend to agree-i haven't been to the rrhf,and don't plan to go..(cleveland for a vacation?!)...but i have enjoyed the televised shows (esp.pretenders)
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Post by seyesbass »

Neil young is right (as ever) and I dont think bands like YES would ever get in the Hall of Fame regardless of record sales.
When I was a teenager and YES music was new it felt good to be into something different from the run of the mill chart stuff and I dont mind YES being overlooked as it were in the great scheme of R+RHOF.
Maybe if a magazine like Classic Rock did a Hall of Fame and got it televised as an awards evening then it would be a novelty to bring in the purely Rock genre of bands.
But as good as awards are for TV it can be an embarrassment to watch otherwise talented people blather on about stuff they dont have a clue about ie;Politics and The Real World out here.I mean take Michael Jackson,U2
and actors at the Oscars etc..Do me favour guys just stick to music and acting we already have professional politicians getting paid to make fools of themselves about the planet.
Still its not the competition its the taking part that counts and awards can come and go but the music IS message! And what a great message YES music is.
Forget the Hall of Fame and put Close To The Edge on instead.
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Post by johnallg »

I love it, Pete. Great post.
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Post by just_bassics »

Great post, Pete! I'm back in the states and will get a good account of our visit up when the dust settles. For now, I'm quickly checking out the new Forum topic so near and dear to my heart...YES!

As for Halls of Fame, they are for politics and popularity contest winners, neither of which ever appealed to me. The R&RHOF is two hours from me in Pittsburgh, we also have a Hard Rock Cafe, neither of which I ever intend to visit or support. I'm with Pete, just put on your favorite Yes album and enjoy life.

The readers of Guitar Player magazine did vote Steve Howe best overall guitarist five years straight, that's good enough for me... and we all know Chris & Rick's achievements, so who needs the BS & MJ crowd anyway? And I've never cared to read even one issue of RS in my 47 years. That time would be better spent playing guitar.
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Post by seyesbass »

Oh almost forgot,
Theres a great piece about the HOF and their attitude to YES in the current issue of Notes From The Edge on the Yesworld website.
Mike Tiano (editor) lays it on the line about the change of opinion at Rolling Stone after they initially considered CTTE as an essential album.
Rolling Stone cracks the whip at the HOF it seems.
Mind you they had it in for Jethro Tull in the 70s as well.....have they no taste? Its all in their mouth as my sister always says.
Best of all is the bit where HOF apparently said the music was too long for the show!
Maligned misunderstood shunned by the arbiters of taste........isnt that the story of all great art and music? Who needs the Rock n Roll Hall Of Fools?
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Post by ram »

self appointed judges usually do very little for me....
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Post by just_bassics »

True, true, Tom. It's a simple matter, really. When I was studying to be an Audio Engineer years ago, a quote from a lesson stuck in my brain. It was a course by F. Alton Everest; "Long ago, Lord Railey said 'Directly or indirectly, all decisions related to sound must come for decision to the ear and from it, there can be no appeal'"

You either like something or you don't and all of the awards, honors and such bestowed by the likes of Hall of Fame types don't really mean anything. It's not like sports, where achievements can be measured more objectively. Music is too subjective to quantify, therefore, Halls of Fame simply become popularity contests.

As for YES music, I've always kind of appreciated the fact that a lot of people don't understand it. To me it's like classical; you either get the Pathetique or the Emperor or you don't, if it's not someone else's thing, that's okay with me. Music can provide a nice degree of separation at times.
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Post by lyle_from_minneapolis »

Well, there it is: I was wondering why I never hear "The Ancient" on the radio...
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