Scottys friday

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Scottys friday

Post by scotty »

Ok i woke to a rainy friday and there was only one thing running through my mind as i lay in the bed like a beached whale.Take the day off and go and play some guitars in town! it hit me like Turbo Tumbleweed and i thought what a good idea.So i wash and pad downstairs for brekkie and which consisted of 2 cups of coffee and a smoke........

Step out the front door and its raining i thought how unsuitably unusual its not a day for shorts.........

Get in the car and have a near miss in a roundabout as a lady decides that the rules in Northern Glasgow have changed and she doesnt need to give way.I slam on the brakes and give her the polite wave as im feeling positive that i didnt squash her like a bug,seen she was driving a mini and i was in a pick up........I did smile and think oh what a day meanwhile `Take me out` was playing on the radio by Franz Ferdinand Im suprised i stopped in time,shes surprised i stopped in time.......

Ok make it in to glasgow and find some parking and trawl the shopps.............

First stop strung out guitars over priced secondhand rics that £ 1140 for a 03 JG 360? Uh huh see ya...........

Next stop Micky Donalds for a WC............ i was good no junk food there i know a better place and had a sausage roll ok i had 2.Im not counting

Ok into Guitar guitar and take my jacket off and leave the umbrella at the door i tell the guys im in for a while and was made to feel at home and told by the guys i know to help myself to any guitar and the Bogner was left on for me.Now thats service the guys at GG are the best.Over a thousand top quality geetars at my finger tips and everyone came downstairs to say hello they hadnt seen me in ages.I thought any chance of a coffee but held back as this might have been going too far....
Gibson L5 CES Vintage Sunburst MMMMMMMMMnmnnnnn want it cant afford it.
G6120-12/6 Nashville Double To much for me it makes me look skinny........
G6193 Country Club Natural now were are talking but im shopping for a bass so lets keep it together........

End up buying a Tonelab :lol: What a numpty but ive know the bass im after its a sweetie......Jazz you know tra la tra la....

Ok so GG havent any tonelabs in stock so i go to a smaller store called Merchant city music and they have one in stock so i pay the man and peruse the shop and notice a 330/6 2010 JG i say to man Ah i see you a new 330 in stock and i noticed its a new model(small headstock)and he says to me yeah ricks are really had to find in the UK they only make them as a hobby in the USA.Now at this point I say erm i dont think so who is your UK supplier is it rosetti and he says yes.I say well I think your information maybe slightly flawed as there are loads of Ricks in the Uk.

At this time in my life i fell a waning in my life as i fear the battle is fruitless as the shop assistant ( i did have to amend his title) was as sharp as a ball........

he retorts by saying well in Scotland they are hard to come by,Im actually on the floor soaked in urine..........

Im thinking ok has he bagged the Tonelab cause im outta here......

Ok got the bag and go back to the car behind me there is a mushroom cloud forming above the once second rate guitar store.........

£3.50 for parking i should have run the pickup into the old woman my day might have taken a more pleasurable experience talking to insurance drones.........
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Re: Scottys friday

Post by winston »

:lol: :lol: :lol: The best Scotty post ever.....................
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Re: Scottys friday

Post by godber »

Wow, nice stream of consciousness writing Scotty...sort of Kerouac...mmm.. Big Slur :wink:
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Re: Scottys friday

Post by paologregorio »

That post is a five star score winner! :D
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Re: Scottys friday

Post by windchimp »

Well Scotty your day was much more pleasurable than mine but equally least you got to play some guitars...all I got was playing with fools! :lol:
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Re: Scottys friday

Post by jps »

scotty wrote:.....they only make them as a hobby in the USA.....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:
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