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New Videos Uploaded

Post by mcd220 »

Hi Guys-

Here are the latest uploads:

The Byrds-"It's No Use"-11/6/65

"Turn! Turn! Turn!"-A Film by Jud Yalkut-1968

Don't Make Waves-"Sharon Tate for Coppertone"-Radio Spot-1967

The Byrds-"Concert at the Rose Palace"-Radio Spot-5/16/69

The Byrds-"The Big TNT Show"-Radio Spot-2/66

The Byrds-"Ballad of Easy Rider"-Radio Spot-1969

Interview With Roger McGuinn & David Crosby-1995-Part ll/ll

Somewhat interestingly, in the interview above, Roger suggests that Crosby played his opening chord in a minor key.

In reality, what's happening in the original 1966 recording, Croz plays a simple, no brainer "E5".

For those who collect such information, the voicing looks like so:


In addition, the original recording closes in the key of E7 (Major)

There is a really cool signature part that Croz does just before the song ends, that's almost always missing from cover/tribute versions.

For those collect that information, here's what's going, played in triple metre:





Basically, you walk up the A strings chromatically, and end on E7.

And Roger's final chord on the original 1966 recording is a standard E5, played at the second fret:


Although I don't think one exists, would be nice to hear a Gene Clark demo of the actually determine whether his original version reflected a minor key, or the classic "Root & 5th" sound the guys were known for.

Since he's been a solo artist, Roger does do the song in the key of Em...and obviously, it works very well that way too, and very much makes it "His Own" by doing so.



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Re: New Videos Uploaded

Post by kvalois »

Thanks,Christian for these rare video clips
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Re: New Videos Uploaded

Post by jimk »

I really appreciate your dedication, Christian. Thanks for finding these and posting them.
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Re: New Videos Uploaded

Post by thymecube »


First of all, from one Byrds fan to another, thanks so much for all of your efforts and generosity to make so much Byrds and related video, recordings, etc. available. I especially enjoyed the clip of It's No Use and only wish that the entire clip might be available sometime in the future... does the entire performance exist?
Second although it is great to see those Nashville now performances by Roger, there are several speed variations that detract from what otherwise are really great performances. I was just wondering if these were the only recordings available to you ( and if so thanks and very much appreciated) or like similar Gene Clark and Chris Hillman segments from NN there is video available without the speed variations?
One again keep up the great work and I look forward to more great rediscovered Byrds material.
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Re: New Videos Uploaded

Post by JakeK »


Thanks for posting these rarities. I know I'm grateful for your offerings. You wouldn't happen to have the Byrds' mono recordings, would you? :D
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Re: New Videos Uploaded

Post by mcd220 »

Thanks very much guys...the nice words are really appreciated. :-)

I certainly wish I had the whole clip of "It's No Use"! That's from "Hollywood A Go-Go", November 6th, 1965...I only just found out about this, and they also "Did" TTT the same night...don't have that clip at all. Somewhat confusingly, the guys were back on HAGG again in early February 1966, doing TTT again(!)

That clip is up:

Sadly, Gene's body language here at the can kinda see he's "Done"..he would leave the band a month later...

Here is "Set you free this time", also from HAGG the same night:

Roger as David, and David as Roger: ... plpp_video

My only regret with building this channel, is that when I started, I knew pretty much nothing about video editing; formats, fade-ins, fade-outs, resolution quality, exporting, etc...and I know a lot of the vids look TERRIBLE...please check other folks' channels for some of the same vids in better condition.

Over time, I will replace some of the really bad ones...I do have a few replacements on hand already.

As far as Johnny Carson, and the 4 times on Lloyd Thaxton, don't think we'll ever see these, unfortunately...but I've been wrong before!

Coming soon, however, are two more cool radio with Gary Usher (I need to do A LOT of audio mixing for this one first) promoting Notorious, and also a brief Roger interview radio spot with Harry Harrison..."The In Sound"...they talk briefly about the Byrds playing the Village Gate in late 1966; short, brief, but still neat.

My fave feature, what I've done here, is put all the vids in CHRONOLOGICAL order...if you go to the Playlist, it starts with Chad Mitchell & The Christies, and goes all the way up through the Midnight Special and's neat to see the bands evolution evolve in order...the debut of the granny glasses in early/mid May, Crosby's cape entering the scene around August, you can see all this stuff come into the fold.

Conspicuous by their absence, are the two Ed Sullivan songs from the end of the year, December 1965...(TTT was live, soundcheck debacle, MTM was lip synched)...these are heavily copyrighted (Especially the MTM clip), so I don't go there.

Oh, I am looking for MTM from "Where the action is" if anyone can help...out of 7 songs on 4 appearances, this is the only WTAI clip we're missing.

Here is the very final Byrds WTAI appearance, March 24, 1966, in APPALLING quality...this is one of the more rare clips:

Note the huge drop off in appearances after Gene's departure with this clip...there's NOTHING until early 1967...bear in mind though, there were lot's of local TV shows, stuff that was tossed that we'll never see, that if available, would probably double the content size of the channel.

Thanks again guys,

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Re: New Videos Uploaded

Post by beatbyrd »

You are truly a man on a mission, Christian. Thanks for all of your hard work. Tom
It's a Byrd, it's a playin'..........

'73 4001 MG
'09 360/12 FG
'10 360/6 FG
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