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Re: J Dog's Golden Rules of Gigging

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:29 pm
by fatcat
So what's next, an undercover band? :?

Re: J Dog's Golden Rules of Gigging

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:31 pm
by jps
fatcat wrote:So what's next, an undercover band? :?
Crazy Inteactive Art.

Re: J Dog's Golden Rules of Gigging

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:06 am
by Hotzenplotz
What happened? Could You tell us more about it?

Or did I just read it over?

Re: J Dog's Golden Rules of Gigging

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:10 pm
by jdogric12
Oh, there was an incident. In short, one too many drunks have crashed into my keyboards, and one too few bouncers did anything about it. So I'm not playing songs, someone else wrote, for a dance floor, full of drunks, at 1am, anymore.

Tonight's MetroSongs gig is going to be fun, though. It's at a quiet little restaurant where they always have live music and really support original music. Looks like we'll even have a special guest drop by and sit in for a song... for those of you familiar with Vol. 1, this will be a real treat if it happens! :D

Re: J Dog's Golden Rules of Gigging

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:06 pm
by cjj
jdogric12 wrote:Oh, there was an incident. In short, one too many drunks have crashed into my keyboards, and one too few bouncers did anything about it. So I'm not playing songs, someone else wrote, for a dance floor, full of drunks, at 1am, anymore.
Aw heck, that's nothing that a few strands of razor wire and a couple of claymores can't cure...
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: J Dog's Golden Rules of Gigging

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:02 pm
by philipharris
We've had various "incidents" over the years but one I particularly recall was in my early days with the band at a pub called, charmingly, The Axe and Cleaver. I was bitten hard on the arm by a (worryingly, male) member of the audience. Fortunately for me however, I was armed with an Ibanez Musician bass of considerable weight which I immediately deployed a la Keef.

Jameson or Russian Standard for me, lager chasers.

Back on post; include Zantac, paracetamol, immodium (if you get nervous or have recently consumed a kebab or curry). Spare transmitter jack and arial. A clip reading light and a good thick book for the van. Chocolate. Mints (just in case). Loose change from your pockets before going on, if dumped in kit bag and deliberately forgotten, can be a lifesaver when you are suddenly short a few gigs later.

And, as we found out to our cost recently, cymbals/hihat. Always useful.