Least Favorite Bassists

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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by coolingitdown »

cassius987 wrote:Wow, what DO you like Sepp?? I'll give you a suggestion, go listen to "Kind of Blue" by Miles Davis (sit down and LISTEN) and you might start to like more complex forms of jazz.
A hearty +1 on that. I would also add John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme," more challenging album though it may be.
cassius987 wrote:
coolingitdown wrote:Flea has great control of the pocket, knows how to groove unbelievably, and typically constructs very tasteful bass parts, breaking out the flash every now and again. He actually demonstrates quite a bit of restraint in his playing.
Good ears Jonathan! I'm not an RHCP fan by any means but I agree with you.
Thanks, Joshua! I have their 2 compilation albums (and I'll never be a bigger fan than that), but I can certainly appreciate what they do.

Just not live. DANGER! :lol:
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by superdick2112 »

My least favorite bassist?

The guy who beat me out for the last band I auditioned for...
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by rickenbrother »

winston wrote:Don't sell yourself so short.
My friend, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement, but I'm just tellin' it like it is!
cjj wrote:Between the arthritis and the Dupuytren's contracture, there are times I can hardly play anymore. Quite a shame since I can finally afford to have some nice instruments, but sometimes can hardly play 'em...
The treatments for Dupuytren's contracture might be worse than just living with the condition, however for your arthritis, do some reading on Apple Cider Vinegar which has to be in it's original, unfiltered, non-processed form. It won't be a cure, but used properly and carefully, it may offer some drug free relief for your arthritis. It can also help a few other health conditions as well. It has helped me. It was a great tip from our own Woody. Thanks Woody!

Greg: I think you're selling yourself short!

As far as that JE solo goes, I think he was trying to impress a younger (not talking about his) generation. I don't know it was successful though.

Like Geddy Lee or not for what ever reason, you can't knock his amazing skill of coordinating his masterful bass playing with his vocals, playing keyboards and his pedals. As a writer for Circus magazine put it back in the 70's, "If Geddy's sang at a higher pitch, his audience would consist of dogs and extra terrestrials". His vocals on newer recordings are not so high pitched and shrill. If that's what bugs you, listen to the Snakes and Arrows album. Then again, if you've ever heard the vocals of King Diamond, he makes Geddy in his early days sound like a baritone.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by s4001 »

That 'flamenco' style of playing that Geddy uses is addictive and I think he way overuses it these days. I miss some of his more thought out, rubbery bass lines back in the day.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by Lefty4003S8 »

Thank You Joey!!!! You ARE too kind.

I had a medical problem a while back which set my playing WAY back to a time earlier in my playing career.
Now I approach the bass with a fair amount of trepidation.....which is EXTREMELY ironic----(As someone previously stated)-----
I currently have a collection of high-end basses. Would LOVE to have had these when I was a working bass player!!!!!!!
Rickenbackers being my "Flagship" basses

NOW...back to the original subject. I do NOT wish to hijack this thread.


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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by Halbert »

I too would say Gene Simmons though there are others who may be worse players, I just find him objectionable on many levels.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by Tarrbot »

I can relate to a lot of answers here.

Flea for instance.

I can't stand some of the songs he plays on, although some are quite catchy. I do, however, respect his talent. I can't do what he does on a good day for me and a bad day for him.

Also, some of the songs he plays on wouldn't be the same song without him playing on it despite what some teeny bopper might say.

Gene Simmons I can relate to as well. I find some of his basslines too muddy and dark but at other times they are quite catchy and move the song along. The music he was playing a lot of times dictated how his bassline was... just like any other bassist out there.

Most popularized bassists have at least a modicum of talent or they just wouldn't be where they are. I normally always respect the talent but may hate the player or the song/music. There are some serious exceptions to this statement, however.

I'm very opinionated on such things but when you get an honest answer from me (a shot of plymouth gin might do this) I usually respect the talent of nearly all bassists. Even the metal bassists who get stuck into a preset sound and only occasionally get let loose onto the stage to do some stellar fretwork.

The Cliff Burton statement hurts me the most though. While I agree that some of his sound was muddy and farty, his talent as a bassist is inversely felt today. Metallica has become a laughing stock of a band without him and has slowly suffered in its own excess/bs for almost two decades. His talent not only as a bassist but also as a songwriter is sorely missed, IMO.

Anyway, sometimes when I have the most fun with my bass, I'm just grooving with a really basic pop / R&B song with a good bassline.

All of this garbage to say simply, that as time has gone on I've learned to accept my "least favorite bassists" and even play some of their basslines if they can groove because to me it's all about the groove.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by SquireFan91 »

Tarrbot wrote: The Cliff Burton statement hurts me the most though. While I agree that some of his sound was muddy and farty, his talent as a bassist is inversely felt today. Metallica has become a laughing stock of a band without him and has slowly suffered in its own excess/bs for almost two decades. His talent not only as a bassist but also as a songwriter is sorely missed, IMO.
My argument is almost strictly in reference to his tone. He's a great player, very influential, talented, and technical. And I agree that Metallica's output as a whole is a bit hurt without him (though I'll admit that my favorite stuff from them stylistically tends to be Newstead era). This thread was not meant to hurt or offend in any way, just voice grievances based on personal preference. The two most influential bassists to me, the reasons I chose to pick the instrument up in the first place, are Chris Squire and Geddy Lee. It has been stated a couple of times on this thread that they make "the list" for at least a couple of members. And that's their right, I don't take it personally, and I even get where they're coming from in their opinions. So if I offended, I apologize. I was saying nothing against him as a player per se, just that I'm not a fan, despite how many other people are.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by Tarrbot »

NO backpedalling... :D

I'm a big boy and can take someone else's opinion. I shouldn't have used the word "hurt" in that statement.

No offense here. Just a generalized statement misused on my part.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by just_bassics »

Least favorite bassist? :roll: Not worth answering.

Least favorite RRF thread? Probably this one...
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by bobosque »

sid vicious :evil:
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by Kopfjaeger »

bobosque wrote:sid vicious :evil:
Ok, +1 on that! Although i listed him as one of my fav's with a disclaimer. I doubt he took himself serious. Any of the live bootlegs with him "playing" are horrendous, either because lack of talent or too drugged to play. Possibly a combination of both.

As far as my prior post, yup it sure sounds as though I don't like much of anything. I have one favorite band and that is Metallica,in all it's configurations. I listen to a wide spectrum of music and I have favorite songs within that spectrum. While I may like certain songs from a particular band, I may despise other songs from that same band.

My work profession prevents me from being in a band so i play the music that I like and I'm satisfied with that, for now. I've just recently rediscovered the joy of playing music. I find it fun a great stress relief after a tough day or night at work. I'm not "full of myself" but I think I'm a much better bass player now than I was 20+ years ago. The easy bass lines I enjoyed playing then bore the crud out of me now and I find myself attempting more complex work along the lines within my listening pleasure.

All of the bass players mentioned by me, I have respect for because of their ability, their style of play or the type of music they play may not just suit me. Also, I've watched many You Tube clips of some of the guys playing here on this forum and I'm very impressed at their ability as well!! Anyone that can pick up an instrument and play a song with accuracy has a talent. I work with a guy that wants to play the drums so damn bad but he has ZERO rhythm and it frustrates him to no end. I feel bad for him that he tries so damn hard and just can't grasp it.

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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by rickenbrother »

just_bassics wrote:Least favorite bassist? :roll: Not worth answering.

Least favorite RRF thread? Probably this one...
I understand your feeling Jim. That was my first though when I first this saw thread. There are some good points in the thread and maybe some understanding will come to those with a least favorite if and when a counter point is made. Believe me, this thread is being watched carefully. I don't think any musician should be put down here. If it gets mean or stupid, the thread will be nuked.

No matter what or how he was, let's not get vicious on Sid.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by Johntheson »

I thought the thread title was "least favorite bassist". First of all, Lennon wasn't a bassist; and second, what would you have had him do? Phil Spector layered everything except the running of a washing maching sound on the track. We all know Paul could have certainly done a better job, but considering the song, I don't find the bass track "offensive" at all. Just my opinion.
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Re: Least Favorite Bassists

Post by rickenbrother »

I don't think Gene Simmons was so bad. I enjoy many of his bass lines, playing them are fun. He sang lead and backing vocals and played his bass well at the same time.
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