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Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:50 pm
by ChubbyD
I am searching, (probably in vain) for my very identifiable, 1974 Rickenbacker 620 Fireglo, # NL7164. She is very distinctively marked. I have many photos and all of her info documented so I will definitely know when I have found her. She was still in her original case which was slightly chewed-up by my dog when she was just a puppy in 1986!I bought this particular guitar in 1980 at a flea market in, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. I owned her for approx 7 years and like many young musicians, I was flat broke and sold her for $200.00. A move I regretted almost instantly. That old Rickenbacker was so dear to me! I played my first paying gig with that guitar! She has played for crowds ranging in size from 10 or 15 to as many as 40,000!
I first took possession of her at a flea market in, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, United States in 1980. I paid $350.00 for her. She was with me when I played my first paying gig for $25.00. I cut my teeth in the entertainment business with her so you can see why she means so much to me. If I am ever blessed enough to get her back, she will never leave me again. That old Rick is my music legacy and I would so love to have her back in the family!
I sold her in 1988 for $200.00! A very sad day but, I was young and in desperate need of cash at the time. The fellow I sold her too was in the medical profession and bartered musical instruments as a hobby.
Fast forward four years. I would be starting back in the music business and thought it would be so amazing to get my old Rick back. My heart ached for her and I Needed to get her back! I called the buyer to see if he knew where it might be and, to my elated surprise, he still had it! She sat in her case the whole time! He sold it back to me for the same amount, $200.00!
I held on to her until 2010! Due to medical bills and life's hard-knocks I was forced to sell the one earthly possession that matters most to me, my Rickenbacker!
I had a nice visit with the person I sold her to. It was a sort of "screening" for the right buyer. I had to sell her to someone who would make me the very important promise of letting me be the first to know, should they decide to sell it. I had such a good feeling about this person and thought for sure I was doing the right thing but, I was wrong.
As it turned out, the man I sold it to is an eBay seller and he sold her to someone for $1,300.00! I never had a clue! When I was financially able to get her back, I tried and tried to contact him. No emails were answered and no calls returned!
One day I decided to go to the Rickenbacker Registry website to browse around and sure enough, there she was, SOLD!
I was inquiring about a guitar on our local are craigslist and, to my great surprise, it was the man I sold my Rickenbacker to. When I asked him about it, he told me he that she was in another country now! This may or may not be true. He promised to look up his info on it and tell me where she went, if the new buyer permitted him to do so. Either way I wanted to know, even if the new buyer didn't want to give out the info, I wanted to know so I wasn't left hanging.
Well, I never heard back. Now I am putting the word out there in any and every possible that I am searching for my "Baby", the heart needed to keep my music going. If I sound mellow-dramatic, then so be it! If you Love a Rick like I do, you know where I am coming from.
Thanks to all for reading and, if you see my "Baby" anywhere, let me know!

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:57 pm
by tmossman
According to the registry she is in beautiful North West England.

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:59 pm
by ChubbyD
That's my "Baby" alright! In fact, the photographs posted of her were taken by me prior to my selling her. I have made an attempt to contact the person via ebay in hopes of a reply. I can't thank you enough for your help.

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:04 pm
by ChubbyD
This is the first picture ever taken of me an my 1974 Ric. True Love, man!

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:59 am
by Ontario_RIC_fan
More pics for you...
A RIC in the UK is worth more then one in the US sadly. It may be cost prohibitive to recover it...

But a new 2010 or 2011 FG 620 can be had for about $1100 these days....

My first RIC was an 1982 JG 620. The small headstock and Kluson tuners were a must for me... So I have been slowly restoring a 620 from June 1977... (Finally got the klusons back on it - the owner before me had installed grovers)...

I hope you get your guitar back... But it is likely a long shot.

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:03 am
by Ontario_RIC_fan

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:10 am
by Ontario_RIC_fan
ps... Here is me in 1983 with my first RIC 620 - SN is VD 1084...
small me and 620 1983.jpg
fof 620 002 crop.jpg
2 rics Smaller still.jpg
This guitar died in a fire in 1992... So finding another one just like it became the goal...

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:16 am
by ChubbyD
Hi Brian,
I actually spoke with you when I first put my Ric up for sale. In fact, you were a very big help. You are the person who corrected me about the year. I was told at age 18 that is was a 1977 and assumed that fact until you advised me as to the proper year, 1974! You also told me about the Ric's of your youth and sent me a couple of pics of yourself with your Jetglo. I still have them!
After getting her back from the first guy I sold it to, I found out that the original tuners were shot and, knowing nothing about devaluing a guitar with improper replacement parts, I naively agreed to let them put the new Schaller's on in 1991/92. Hence the open holes on the headstock. I actually have the original chrome cover-plate for the bridge which I see in these pics, had not yet been replaced.
The black covering on the bridge area pick-up had started to crack so I just peeled it off and left it the way you see it without the black coating.
The electronics were all original yet in 2010 when I sold her. Knobs, jack-plate, jack, switch, pick-ups, "R" tail-stock, bridge, pickguards...ALL original to the guitar. I cracked a small piece of the pick-guard off on one corner when I tightened the screw too much.
When I got her in 1980 she was show room perfect! There was a guy in a purple Dodge van selling some things at a Flea Market in Rhinelander, WI, United States. My Dad saw her and called me on the phone to ask if I had ever heard of "Rickenbacker" guitars. I had not so, I called the local Music store and they advised me that the asking price was fair and that a Rickenbacker is indeed a highly regarded instrument.
Dad called me back an asked me how much money was in the business checking account. I told him there was enough and he said to rip out check, drive up to the flea market and take a look. The dude selling it was a "hippie" throwback! He had the reddest hair in the biggest Afro I had ever seen! Bo shirt, bell-bottoms and a van that had been turned into a "love-wagon" on wheels! Ha!ha! I am talking water bed, purple craft fur... the whole nine yards!
Needless to say, it was love at first sight and I swore I would keep her til the day I died.
When I first sold her I was in a bad way and nearly homeless. That guitar was what got me back on my feet by selling her. When she returned to me, I again swore that she would be with me until my dying day but, life happened again. This time it was medical bills we were and facing eviction. Once again my Ric got us out of a bad spot and got life back on track again.
When Matt came to my house to make the deal, he was very enthusiastic and I judged him to be a good man and a man of his word. One of the stipulations to selling her was that the buyer would agree that, should the day come that they were going to sell her, that I would be the first to know and that they would be paid fair market value or whatever they deemed the value to be. If in the event that I was not in a position to buy her back, I would simply have to accept and move on. I was never given notice that she was for sale or that she was posted on eBay for sale. I would have bid the ranch for her!
Now she is likely gone forever so I thank you greatly for the extra photos and just for contacting me again.
If the new owner had any questions about her history, I would be more than happy to answer questions. I do still have the original chrome cover-plate for the bridge!
I know I sound like a sentimental old fool. It's just that my Ric was a huge part of the best parts of my life. She was around for my first love, my folks and grandparents and my best dog passing. I ache for her as I would a lost Love!

Hell, I would give anything to even just get the case back! Around these parts we care for our dogs as if they were our children or family member. My dog, Gertrude chewed up the case a little bit when she was just a puppy and instead of getting mad, I realized she was just creating another part of the crazy, happy memory that would forever be attached to my Rickenbacker!
Thanks again my friend,
Dean "Scooter" Kesler
Oconto Falls, WI.
United States

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:46 pm
by Ivan3000
Good luck!

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:19 pm
by ChubbyD
Thanks Ivan. It doesn't sound very likely but, I will never give up hope, no matter how far away or how many years I have to wait! I hear she has a good home in the UK so, as long as she is loved an taken care of, I will be happy!

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:58 pm
by Ivan3000
If its a sentimental thing, offer the price of a new one, the owner would be sure to surface.

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:04 pm
by ChubbyD
He paid more for it than a new one. Also, prices on Rickenbackers in the UK are higher, especially on this model and year with original case. I think he bought it for sentimentel reasons as well. I spoke with a person from Canada who helped advise me when I first sold it and he is the one who told me where it went. I would gladly offer double the new price and I would still be short of what he paid!

Re: Searching For My 1974 620 Fireglo

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:31 pm
by Ivan3000
The sad part is that you could get someone in the FBI to find it in like a day, so it is possible, hell, hire a private investigator. If you know its in england, find a "craiglist" style site and go mad with posting, have someone put up flyers for you. This sounds kind of dumb, but if you made a special trip there to do all of this yourself, maybe you'd get put on the news and that would make it even better. I'd really like to see you get this back. I understand how important an instrument is. Especially the first one that "clicks" with you. Thats how it is with my hofner icon. Its a peice of junk, but I love it, and am probably going to get a refin and german pickups on it someday, it essentially defines me as a player, that was the gateway into serious bass playing for me (i had an ibanez, never quite jived with me). All of the mcguivered fixjobs, and the botched vintage-izing just make it mine. The mark where my chinchilla took a bite out of the back, or the red stuff under the finish on the side. I completely see where you're coming from, and hope you find it!