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The Free Design (band)

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:04 pm
by Billsbro
Anyone familiar with this 1960's band? Despite being in my 50's I never was aware of them until recently. I heard a song called "Don't Turn Away" that I thought was a quiet The Mamas and the Papas song. Fascinating blend of folk and pop and psychedelia. They were a family band of brothers/sisters.

Feedback & thoughts please?

Re: The Free Design (band)

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:49 am
by beatbyrd
Hi, I was intrigued and went to YT and Amazon to check this band out. I would not have been able to tolerate more than 30 seconds of their music back at the time it was released. I wasn't a complete rock snob back then, but their music would have had me screaming for an insulin shot. It's just so mellow and sugary......... first glance (or listen). Hearing it now, I can fully appreciate the musical skills of the band in their writing, arranging, and vocal skills. They used a lot of highly qualified session people, too. If you mentally scrape off all of the frosting, you can hear a lot of jazz, classical, and soul influences in the music and the vocals. Their vocal harmonies are (IMO) every bit as complex and brilliant as Brian Wilson's, Spanky & Our Gang's, or the Association's and performed just as skillfully. On a number of songs, there is a strong jazz undercurrent.

I had to be an adult before I could appreciate a lot of the music that I so casually dismissed when it was new in the 60's or 70's. I'm going to download at least a dozen of The Free Design's songs. There are a bunch that are still too hard for me to enjoy, but I found enough to get me interested in studying their vocal arrangments. Thanks for the thread. Maybe we can post a few links to their songs on YouTube. Tom

Re: The Free Design (band)

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:13 am
by beatbyrd
What the heck, here are four that I like.....

Re: The Free Design (band)

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:18 am
by Billsbro
Beatbyrd! You get an "A" for effort, open-mindedness, and execution! While I did order their first album, it has not yet arrived and I didn't do much research other than tracking down "Don't Turn Away" since that is the track that caught my you are way ahead of me.
I am intrigued that you spotted all those influences because the reviews suggest that is the case.
And from what I sense, I too am like you in that I probably wouldn't have been openminded enough to listen to them when they were active. As most of us know, our tastes change and mature as we grow.
Thanks for all the research and the links!!