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Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:43 am
by weemac
I just did the draw using my hard hat and little bits of paper..
I wanted everyone to win it, of course but "There can only be ONE!"

Jeffrey Scott Come On Down!!!!!

I'll PM JB to get your details and then you have to convince him to sent it to you..

I just played with a prototype Cave pedal known as the Induction Drive today. Its a larger heaver pedal with four transformers inside it and no diodes...
Whilst the overdrive effect is very subtle, the job it does of power amp compression and old school cabinet sound is stunning. This pedal is doing a tour of the OZ Bass forum (Woody is a member there I think).
I got first test of it and will do some videos soon...

Thanks for everyones input and if anyone wants a Grunt Pedal, contact me and I give you Heath's new email address..


Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:56 am
by jps
Oh, this is very good news! Thanks so much. :D :D :D It helps counteract some sad news I got this morning.

So John Biscuti has it at the moment? John, you here? 8)

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:56 am
by s4001
Go rock that bad chicken, Jeff!

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:01 am
by jps
I think it is a very cool pedal and I still listen to the demo recordings I made of it, occasionally.

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 11:41 am
by woodyng
Congrats,Jeff! I think it's a very cool pedal as well. I haven't checked in on the OZ bass site in a while,so i will have to check out the new pedal there soon!

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 5:30 pm
by jps
I wish Heath the best with his future concepts and pedal ideas, he has certainly been quite innovative so far.

I haven't heard from John, maybe he's gigging or on holiday or something. I sent him an e-mail in case he has not seen this thread or heard from/gotten back to Eden, yet. 8) As I am in the process of coming up with a nice compact pedalboard it will be great to have this on it. :D

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:25 pm
by rickenbrother
Congrats,Jeff! I thought it was a cool pedal also. 8)

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:55 am
by weemac
Here's the demo for the prototype Imduction Drive pedal..


Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:49 pm
by jps
JB, if you're reading this, when will the pedal go out?

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:55 pm
by jps
weemac wrote:Here's the demo for the prototype Imduction Drive pedal..

I take it the Induction Drive is a passive device? Very cool look, too. 8)

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:15 am
by weemac
Yep, the poorly spelt induction drive is indeed passive as is the compression grunt that I'm testing now.


Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:45 pm
by jps
Hmm, almost three weeks and no word from JB on this thread.............. :?

Re: Cave Passive Pedal "And the Winner Is..."

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:46 pm
by jps
Here is an update on JB sending the pedal out to me.

He has not made any posts to this thread, although I have seen other posts from him throughout the RRF.

Here is the gist of the e-mails we sent back and forth over the past few weeks:

5/31/14 - JB said he will send the pedal out to me on Monday; I replied with the shipping address to send the pedal to.
6/7/14 - I asked JB for a tracking number.
6/10/14 - JB replied that the pedal was at his parent's house and that he will get it on Sunday (6/15/14).
6/16/14 - I replied with the shipping address once again.
6/21/14 - I once again asked JB if he had sent the pedal out, yet, and asked, once again, for the tracking number.

Note that JB has not replied to any of my e-mails for almost two weeks, now. Maybe JB feels bad, perhaps he lost the pedal or got it stolen or damaged since the email from him saying:
Hey Jeff, congrats! Send me the address and it will go out Monday.

- JB
(dated 5/31/14)

What' up JB? :roll: