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NGD 1975 Rickenbacker 430 Black

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:56 am
by RicUpNorth
Received yesterday, a 1975 black 430. I was excited for this one as I love quirky models, yet it is still quintessentially a Rickenbacker.

I’m curious to hear from anybody who may know more about the pick ups in this model? I found on here that they are just final covers over the pick up and don’t have any pool pieces, how similar or different are they from a high game?

I’ll work on getting some photos up later this weekend.

Plugged it in last night, and without doing any set up work, it played and sounded wonderful with a new set of 12 gauge strings on it. I think I will need to adjust the pick up heights a bit, but they don’t sound terrible to begin with. Sounds like it has a lot more oomph behind it than my 330 or 620. Still definitely nice in jangly though!