McGuinn on recording & JangleBox

Those who flock to The Byrds
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Post by kvalois »

Steve and others:

I just saw McGuinn Sunday night in concert in Torrington, Connecticut. I took a friend of mine who has never seen him before. And, surprisingly, he mentioned to me EARLY in the concert that McGuinn's 12-string Rickenbacker did NOT sound very "jangly." I noticed the same-- before my fiend even said anything. Now, this is NOT to downgrade the Janglebox-- which is uiversally acclaimed by ALL who have tried it. Indeed, Steve's sound clips are "awesome." But, instead, I have seen McGuinn at least 50 times in my life and I've noticed that in recent years that he doesn't seem to like the TREBLY sound anymore!!! It's like putting a pillow over some really good speakers while playing "Mr. Tambourine Man." The BRIGHT, TREBLY sound of the Rickenbacker would not come through!!!

So, BYRDS fans-- buy a "Janglebox" but keep it "jangly."

No electric guitar can compare to the "jingle-jangle" of a Rickenbacker!!!
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Post by janglebox »

Karl, it might have been the venue or sound equipment, because Roger's Ric was jangling gloriously just a couple of months ago at Wolf Trap. Actually, that show was one of the best I've heard him (as well as his Ric), and, like you, I've seen him 40-50 times since 1969.

The only times I heard Roger where the Ric didn't sound particularly jangly was when he played with the Clarence White Byrds. Good music, but little, if any, jangle.
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