What are you thankful for?

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What are you thankful for?

Post by phlemmy »

Since it's Thanksgiving here in the States, I thought I'd start a new thread on what we are thankful for.

My mom who is 62 and still going strong.

My friends, real life everyday friends and those good acquaintances I've met online.

Music. Without it I think I'd be dead. That goes for buying it, playing it, listening to it, etc.

My job. It's hella stressful but it allows me many oppurtunities.

And life in general.
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Post by sowhat »

Life. While it's not always easy, it's amazing anyway.
My family, especially my young daughter, my 77-year old granny and my dad. And of course my mom - without her, there'd be no me.
My friends. Those who are close and those who are kind of remote, but are great guys (and 'girls', too) and sometimes help me a lot without knowing about it.
Winter, summer, spring and autumn.
Music - yes. Without it, life would be dull.
Books and writers - Fedor Dostoyevsky, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, Robert Sheckley and many, many others...
The guys who make glass beads in Czech... 8-)
The guys who make guitars - anywhere...
Everybody who i don't know now... but may meet in the future.
The guys who write books about economics - without them, i probably wouldn't have a job... 8-)
Nothing will get you dead quicker than being deadly serious about yourself.

Post by phlemmy »

I'd like to add that I am thankful for this forum and especially to Jaymi Millard (MIA) who really taught me a lot about RICs early on. This is a great place.
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Post by shinynewtoy »

My family, especially my mother on her first T-day on the other side. We'll save you a seat.
What do you mean the Bass is too loud???
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Post by rob »

1.) My parents, especially my mother right now since she is going for kidney dialysis three times a week for 3 1/2 hours at a time.

2.) My health, even though I still act like an imbisil (spellcheck) for smoking and drinking the best of beer a little too much now and then. (Let's see how many minutes I can go without buying another pack of ciggies!)

3.) My job. I work at a plastic injection molding facility that has just about only ONE customer right now, who happens to be the one and only Delphi Corp. Right now, as many of you know that Delphi, who supplies radiators to GM and some other car companies, has filed for bankruptcy just before the new bankruptcy rules took place. Furthuremore, GM is planning on laying off 30,000 (Yes, that's THIRTY-THOUSAND) employees nation wide due to lack of sales. Sh-- eventually rolls down hill to the suppliers. For the time being, I'm glad my job is still here so Xmas shopping can be done, as with the obvious other things that call for $$$.

4.) John Hall and all at Rickenbacker for keeping up on a company that I still respect for keeping their products truly all "USA-Made". And what a fantastic job they do and producing some jaw-droppers of instruments.

5.) Finally for now, I wish to also be thankfull to Peter McCormack for hosting this webite/forum. Thank you, and of course all of which who post here, for making my computer time that much more enjoyable.

Happy Thanksgiving!
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