I was looking at the Avatar cabs. They get very good reviews, and the prices are incredibly low. They use Eminence Delta drivers in the bass cabs, and those are real quality units. As one reviewer said, the cabs cost little more than what his cost would be for materials, and the extra cost to have speakers loaded in them seems t be little more than dealer wholesale cost. In fact, Avatar has several Celestion and Eminence guitar speakers on special right now at 4 for $145 + S&H. Time to reload those stacks, dudes! I am going to order a new Celestion G12H80 for my Traynor YCV40 combo at $42 + $8 S&H. That's cheaper than used ones go for on eBay! The prices on other Celestions are too low to print.
The Avatar B212 bass cab seems especially interesting as it is tuned much lower than the B210. I was wanting Acme Low B2 cabs, but the Avatar cabs are hard to pass up at their price, and I only play 4-string bass anyway.
What about Avatar cabs?
I think the Eminence Deltas are great speakers,too. When I got my '68 Sunn 2-15 cabinet the original CTS speakers were in it. Since I was planning on using my 650 watt Walter Woods head with this cabinet I knew the CTS speakers wouldn't handle the output so I got the Delta 15s and this thing sounds incredible with them.