JakeK wrote:Ed, I remember we were talking about the FG patterns on my V64 and it was closer to a Townshend LE. I had the chance to witness Gary Clauson's 1998 PT in person twice between Aug 3-9 (thanks again, Gary). It was possibly the best Ric out there. Granted, it's just a 1997SPC with Townshend caricature on pickguard, but there was something about the pickups that were different to every other Ric I've ever owned. They were loud and could cut through anything, even bricks. The fireglo pattern was to die for, and it was different from my V64, the PT has a redder FG pattern, while the V64 is more orange. Here are three shots of it, in two, I'm doing a windmill.
Hi Jake - those are very nice shots...and a fine looking PT you were road testing there.
On the different FG shading, as I mentioned in the earlier post on this thread I think the only way to show the difference is to line up a Sam Ash 1993 and a PT side by side and picture them in the same light conditions so the relative shading will be clear. I'm still travelling overseas but when I get back I'll do what I can to track down a PT and if I'm successful I'll post up a group picture on this thread for future reference.
In the meantime, a relevant picture I already took of the SA was a group shot next to a ’67 345S/1998 and my Byrd OS. In the flesh the Byrd is a lovely dark FG finish…not too different to a PT. If you look at that group picture in the following thread, you’ll see the FG colouring of the SA is totally different to the "regular" FG finishes on the 2 ’67 guitars. I suspect when I do a line up of the SA against a PT it will show a similar difference.