Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by jps »

woodyng wrote:
jps wrote:
woodyng wrote:I 've gone through so many instruments over the years,usually the turnover isn't so much a matter of "i don't like this one anymore" so much as "SQUIRREL!!!!" :lol: (Something new and shiny,which becomes a new favorite...for awhile at least.)
So, which one are you?
Awww,them baby skwirruls is so cute! ( my reference was to the talking dog in"up",and the attention-diversion thang.)
Shari found them abandoned at the bass base of a tree on our old street back in 2006 and brought them home! :shock: We fed them and then someone who cares for orphaned squirrels took them home with her.
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by Ric_MEL »

deaconblues wrote: I busted out the 330 on a couple songs during my nightly practice. It's just not the same -- everything's there, but the old Rick, though it sounds great, doesn't do it anymore. Switched back to a Strat, and the magic was back.
Truth be known.. Really seems like you answered your own question.. The Strats do it for you.. the RIC doesn't ..

If the RIC were some collectible piece.. or sentimental value.. that might be different. but if it is a modern, replaceable 330/6.. then if you really wanted it back some day .. you could get one again.

I have a 620/6 that in all honesty: I haven't bonded with.. ( as .. it sits in it's case ). I keep saying it's because I don't have the right amp ( a Blues Jr. and a home/hand build 5F2-a Fender Harvard Circuit.. )

Would love to try a : Fender Princeton or Deluxe Reverb Reissue.

or: maybe add Toasters.. or try a 350v63.. to keep a RIC 6 in the arsenal and find sounds that I like

in my case: $ is an issue.. so it's a game of: what stays.. what goes !
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by ByrdBro »

deaconblues wrote:Wow, thanks for all the great replies.

Hey Nick, ever consider changing out the neck on your Strat? It's easy and you can hang on to the original one if you want to sell it.
Hi, yes I have.

The problem is this Strat has the newer "bi-flex" system and am not sure an old school neck would fit.

I've really got back into the 7.25 radius necks on my Fenders, just seems so comfortable and if I'm not wrong the newer bi-flex necks seem to come with more modern flatter profiles.

It's a lovely guitar but these days just sits in its case which is a real shame. It should go to a good home where it'll get regular use.

Fortunatly I also have a US 62 AVRI and an excellent MIJ Strat (my gigging Strat) so I'm not Stratless :D

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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by Chrome Aardvark »

I only sell a guitar when something better comes along to replace the one you already have. For example, I'm about to offload my 360/12CW for a 360/12c63 as I like the feel and tone of the c63 more. So like some of the other guys said, don't sell it unless you need to.
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by deaconblues »

Ric_MEL wrote: If the RIC were some collectible piece.. or sentimental value.. that might be different. but if it is a modern, replaceable 330/6.. then if you really wanted it back some day .. you could get one again.
Well that's the thing...it does have sentimental value. Of course, yeah, it isn't exactly a collector's item.
ByrdBro wrote:
Hi, yes I have.

The problem is this Strat has the newer "bi-flex" system and am not sure an old school neck would fit.

I've really got back into the 7.25 radius necks on my Fenders, just seems so comfortable and if I'm not wrong the newer bi-flex necks seem to come with more modern flatter profiles.

It's a lovely guitar but these days just sits in its case which is a real shame. It should go to a good home where it'll get regular use.

Fortunatly I also have a US 62 AVRI and an excellent MIJ Strat (my gigging Strat) so I'm not Stratless :D

Any neck should fit. They haven't changed the standard heel size.

I'm waiting on a neck from these guys: https://www.musikraft.com/

Check them out. Good quality, many options, and you can get vintage or modern truss rods.

I'm a 7.25" fan myself, so I went for that and a modern bi-flex rod. (I wish I could order every guitar with a 7.25" radius!)
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by just_bassics »

cjj wrote:I have more than I can play, and sometimes let a few sit in their cases for a while. Then I'll get one out and wonder why I left it in the case so long, and start the love affair all over again...
What he said!
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by r-gordon-7 »

This packrat says keep it. You can always decide to sell it later. Not so, the reverse.
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by DesmondWafers »

I have a couple of guitars that I never really play anymore but I keep for sentimental value. I actually sold my first "Great" guitar and have always kind of regretted it. I say keep it.
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by deaconblues »

Thanks for all the replies, everyone.

The final verdict on the 330?

...Mod it! :twisted:

Stay tuned!
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Re: Would you sell a favorite guitar that you don't play?

Post by Oskar »

Well, all of my guitars are my favorites and I suppose that at any given point in time, and a valid reason, any one of them could go up for sale. I'd probably keep my '91 Tele Deluxe Plus for sentimental reasons, but little else.
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