Just ordered my Roger McGuinn tickets

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Post by Scastles »

Steve's show sounds like one of the best I've heard of.

The one I saw last year (as I have mentioned on a previous post) was just Roger and the Martin 7. Nothing else. Maybe, Fort Worth wasn't his cup of tea. I did get to meet him after the show in the same fashion Steve did. Camilla led me back to his room. It was just me and him and one guy who looked real familiar, who I was never introduced to. It wasn't until later it dawned on me it was Robert Carradine (Aka Mr Nerd). Roger spent our entire time talking about his new Martin. It was interesting to say the least but I still wish he would have brought out the Ric to play during the show...maybe there will be a next time. Guess I should have been with Steve last night.
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Post by jamesvwaal »

Steve, just out of curiosity, how does Roger accompany himself (other than the guitar, of course): does he use a drum machine, looping station, anything like that?
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Post by janglebox »

James: Roger doesn't use any other electronic gear or gimmick other than his guitars. The acoustics are open-mic'd (he hates piezo bridge pickups), and the Rickenbacker runs from a Sennheiser wireless transmitter into a JangleBox into the sound board -- no amp.
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