Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by jps »

kiramdear wrote:For me this is at least as much about the people - I'll say more so, than about gaining technical information or opinions. I think of it like a school, or a library, or sometimes like a funny party. The information gives us something to talk about, but it's the exchange that matters, and the relationship that we share. I feel I have friends here and that's what keeps me plugged in.

So that's what I think about before I post. We try to keep it pleasant and intelligent because info goes down easier that way, and then we all fell like returning tomorrow. I mean, what's to fight about with Rickenbackers? World peace, the economy, OK, have at it guys in a free speech argumentative political forum. Some people love to butt heads all day long and that's fine. But not me. Not here.

Censorship? Don't you censor yourself every time you address a group of polite people? I certainly do, because to not do so sucks. No one will hear what I am trying to say if I insult them. That's why it's not just right, but smart to use good manners and choose one's words thoughtfully.

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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by sowhat »

kiramdear wrote:Censorship? Don't you censor yourself every time you address a group of polite people? I certainly do, because to not do so sucks. No one will hear what I am trying to say if I insult them. That's why it's not just right, but smart to use good manners and choose one's words thoughtfully.
Well put, Kira!
I'd also say — maybe i'm wrong, i don't know — that moderator's job isn't as much about "killing" threads that already got "out of hand" as about trying to "cool things down" before the debate gets too heated. Of course sometimes it may look as if they're being over-protective, and perhaps sometimes they are, and it isn't easy to learn to feel when it is the right time to "chime in". But someone's got to do the job. And, as it seems to me (based on personal experience in different "areas"), the best way to learn to do something is to do that something.
Sorry if it hadn't been clear enough, i've tried but a) with the new job, i have little time to practice my English; b) it's not easy for me being serious.
Peace and so on. :wink:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by whojamfan »

Being in the position of a moderator is a rewarding and tough one sometimes. Certain people do deliberately like to stir up trouble by fence walking the rules, and then neither respond to the comments they made, or try to act like it was all a big misunderstanding. Ok, I'll buy that a half a dozen times before I'm wondering what really is going on here.

I must admit I have nonintentionally been lured in to discussions that walk that line, and said "doh" after hitting the submit button. I have had posts that I have made removed, and their hasn't been a single one I didn't regret posting after I had done it. What I'm getting at is Peter is right, stop and think before you post, and realise that this forum has guidelines in place for a reason. I can say I have been guilty of it, but am more aware to the posts I make now, and look it over for a bit before I hit submit.

There are some whos hidden agenda is both inflammatory and insulting, and that gets really old. Sometimes locking a thread is really the only way to prevent an out and out personal attack session, and one particular(right before moderators)was victim to an insensative comment that blew up to 5 pages in a matter of minutes before it was deleted. In that thread, several forumites were going head to head on an issue that had nothing to do with music, and created many hard feelings.

So, I would ask anybody, "How do you strike a balance between open discussion and destructive blabbering?" I think this moderator thing introduces a new option to those who don't want to feel attacked or made fun of for the posts that they make. Perhaps it will be seen that slinging trash is not part of what we do here, and folks will actually be comfortable posting their opinions. I don't agree with that whole censorship argument, we ain't starting a revolution here, we're talking about musical instruments for crying out loud!

Discussion, good and bad, about RIC, is fine as long as it's within the guidlines of decency. Attacking RIC, or saying they don't care, or whatever, is just ignorant. All you are going to do is make people upset and look like a fool. This is a Rick forum, and while we may not like every single detail of every instrument, making inflammatory statements about the company or the family does nothing but make people upset and defensive. If you want to have an impact, or think you can do it better, I'm sure you can make an appointment with John Hall and point out to him how you think they can "meet your expectations".

Snobbing someone out because they don't have top dollar gear doesn't make anybody feel good except the "pot stirrer". This is why I started the thread "We know", to let the negative "everything you have or want sucks" people know that their constant slagging is not only counterproductive, but incredibly boring. Some of us aren't rich, and don't care if we don't have what the Beatles had.

I have yet to delete or lock a post in my section, which is cool. I am a little corner of the forum that doesn't get much negativity except for the usual suspect(s), and if I am put in a situation where an inappropriate comment is made, I will send it back to the person, explain why I did this, and give them the opportunity to repost it in accordance to RRF rules. No delete, no censorship, just a "was it really necessary post your opinion in this manner". I really think people have over reacted to this whole moderator thing. "Free speech?" sure, as it's appropriate, you can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre, yet nobody protests the theatres now do they?
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by whojamfan »

kiramdear wrote:For me this is at least as much about the people - I'll say more so, than about gaining technical information or opinions. I think of it like a school, or a library, or sometimes like a funny party. The information gives us something to talk about, but it's the exchange that matters, and the relationship that we share. I feel I have friends here and that's what keeps me plugged in.

So that's what I think about before I post. We try to keep it pleasant and intelligent because info goes down easier that way, and then we all fell like returning tomorrow. I mean, what's to fight about with Rickenbackers? World peace, the economy, OK, have at it guys in a free speech argumentative political forum. Some people love to butt heads all day long and that's fine. But not me. Not here.

Censorship? Don't you censor yourself every time you address a group of polite people? I certainly do, because to not do so sucks. No one will hear what I am trying to say if I insult them. That's why it's not just right, but smart to use good manners and choose one's words thoughtfully.

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I couldn't agree more :D
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by kiramdear »

A succinct version of "guidelines for posting" can be found at the bottom of every post that Peter makes :idea:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by jdogric12 »

Good afternoon. I read about 20% of this thread and decided to simply post the following, with no disrespect to anyone at all on this beautiful planet we all share:

While this thread was born and grew, I got a lot of work done on guitars today. A lot. I wish the best to everyone. Now I'm going to check to see how my recording post is going from early this morning, and go have a few beers, and then I'll play more guitar. Peace and Cheers, J Dog
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by jaymi »

jdogric12aolcom wrote:Good afternoon. I read about 20% of this thread and decided to simply post the following, with no disrespect to anyone at all on this beautiful planet we all share:

While this thread was born and grew, I got a lot of work done on guitars today. A lot. I wish the best to everyone. Now I'm going to check to see how my recording post is going from early this morning, and go have a few beers, and then I'll play more guitar. Peace and Cheers, J Dog
you go J Dog!!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by admin »

Jaymi: With more practice and being mindful of others it is my hope that our relationships with one another will continue to grow. Talking about how we post is a good first step. Thank you for your comments.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by rickenbrother »

thinneckrick wrote:Wow ! Who's being rude Joey ?? I said nothing rude or offensive .
Neither did I.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by ginger_lee »

all i can say is..i never seem to be moderated..and thank each and every one of you for treating me with such means a very great deal..thank you all
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by cassius987 »

I hope I'm part of the solution, not part of the problem. I think it's extremely valuable to think critically and evaluate things of both shadow and light. As long as we are polite to each other I think it should be okay to debate the features of these guitars in a respectful way.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by winston »

Good post Joshua. Thanks for being positive and helpful. :D

I just noticed your post Ginger. Like so many forum members who carefully choose their words your posts are always fun and informative. :D Someone mentioned a group hug and I must agree that one may be in order here.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by thinneckrick »

I see rainbows and unicorns and rivers of chocolate !
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by jaymi »

thinneckrick wrote:I see rainbows and unicorns and rivers of chocolate !

been watching Willy Wonka again??? :lol:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by thinneckrick »

That was quite a fantasy land as well. lol
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