Jesus Is Just Alright...

Those who flock to The Byrds
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Post by ken_j »

According to "The Byrds 20 Essential Tracks From the Boxed Set: 1965-1990" it was recorded on June 17, 1969. Original release: Colombia LP G-30127 and 45-45071. The Doobies version came out in the seventies if I recall right.
"The best things in life aren't things."

Post by bluespckr »

That's interesting. I came home on leave from the Air Force at Christmas 1968, and my folks had bought me an old Realistic reel-to-reel tape player. I picked up two albums on reels (which you could buy then, like you do CDs and casettes today). One was "The Doors" -- their first album (although by then "Strange Days" and "Waiting For The Sun" were also out) and the other was the Byrds' LP with "Jesus Is Just Alright" on it. I could be having a senior moment, but I clearly remember that. By June 1969 I was in Berlin, Germany, and never bought a pre-recorded reel tape again. You're right about the Doobies, though. Their version had to be from around 1973.

Post by bmi_guy »

The Doobies was definitely in early '70's.
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