Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by kiramdear »

That's two.

Ah, Jeff, do you want to throw that ball?
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by thinneckrick »

Hey , Im the one being personally attacked here . All i did was call attention to obviouse problems and serious issues here . Remember " Denile " isnt just a river in egypt . Besides even if i did throw a ball you would convince yourself there wasnt one until it hit you in the face . Please just stop the madness here . Oh thats right , There isnt a problem at all .......
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by rickenbrother »

Jeff, I was not attacking you, I was making a point.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by jaymi »

have you noticed that the majority of the posts on this thread are from the moderators? I am through with this thread and actually quite amazed at the mods' responses. It DOES appear that jeff is being personally fronted by a majority of the posts here. If this was a place of poodles and balloons, then it would be readily apparent by the responses of the mods.

all I can say is WOW!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by admin »

Thanks for your comments, Jaymi. We are all welcome to post here if we feel that it is of interest to us. Each new post is an opportunity to work together.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by woodyng »

i also was personally involved in one of the locked threads...and was not given the chance to apologize,so i am doing so now. upon review,one of my responses which i thought of as a bit catty at most,was removed as being "offensive". apparently,that is one of the dangers of cyber-exchange,and the "firing off" of an understudied response. i can say that i was a bit exasperated at the thought of a cherished carrot being dangled not for the first time---i did buy a hipshot bridge after waiting several years for an afformentioned product to see the light of day. but...let there be no doubt, i love my rickenbackers,cannot praise them enough,and have no interest/motive in antagonizing anyone here or at rickenbacker. john hall,et al,please accept my sincere apology. i am one of the biggest fans of the 4000 series bass, and i must say i am more than eager to see this new bridge-i will be at the head of the line for purchase when they are made available. and i shall also forevermore avoid this contentious subject on this website. cheers,ya'll! :mrgreen:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by rickenbrother »

jaymi wrote:have you noticed that the majority of the posts on this thread are from the moderators? I am through with this thread and actually quite amazed at the mods' responses. It DOES appear that jeff is being personally fronted by a majority of the posts here.
Okay maybe sometimes positive can come of this. Jeff thinks I was rude. That was not my intent, but okay, he can feel that way, I can understand why he might feel that way. My post was types under a feeling of stress and defensively written. But now if Jeff felt I was being rude, how many posts have been make by make by others that can be taken as rude? Think about it. That why Peter asks that we think carefully before we post and before we start topics.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by jingle_jangle »

It is tough to strike a balance here, and Peter is the single most even-handed Admin I've ever worked under.

For some reason, I've got a sixth and a seventh sense that alternately allow me to see clearly, and miss the point of a post. Fortunately, the sixth is more active.

It's very difficult to convey (especially in the heat of a hearty discussion) complete meaning without the benefit of tone of voice or facial expressions. I used to think emoticons were silly, but I've realized that in many cases a well-selected one or dozen will emphasize a point or take the edge off one that's difficult to tone down, or possibly one that could be misinterpreted.

I partially agree with the "fan site" opinion, which I've heard from a few members. I think this comes from our effort to be positive, as well as our love of these wonderful instruments. I would always prefer a carefully-mderated Forum to an unmoderated one; in the former, there is a high mark set, which everyone aims for; in the latter, the roost is ruled by lowest-common-denominator mouth-breathers.

Alt.guitar.rickenbacker served one purpose for me--after I read and contributed to it for a week or two, somebody posted a link to the RRF and I never went back. This is one of the highest-quality Forums I've ever read, and being the admin of four other (not so active!) forums myself, I understand the level of devotion it takes to keep something like this fresh and vital.

One idea: I think that some sort of FAQ or "White Paper" on the most controversial yet oft-referenced topics (bass bridge, 5 string bass pickup, 12 VS 24 frets, RIC trademark violations, how to tell a RIC counterfeit, etc.) would help folks to wrap their minds around the thinking on these topics, without getting bogged down in yet another thread which replicates the thinking (and occasionally, the negativity) of previous threads on the same darned topics, usually started by someone fresh to the RRF (as we all were once upon a time).
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by whojamfan »

While I responded to a few points you were making Jeff, I certainly wasn't attacking you then, or now. I always see these issues posted by others, especially the "censorship/free speech" argument, and was responding to those who felt their rights are somehow being violated. All of the points made were not uniquely yours, and have appeared several times on the forum(usually when someone gets out of line and has a post deleted.) I'm sorry if my post seemed to be directed at you, but I don't even know who you are, much less what you have posted. I hope to see more of your posts and run in to you at a confluence or gig.

I believe the reason that mostly moderators have responded to this thread, is that we have the toughest responsibility regarding the tone of our sections. I will bet any of my Ricks that there is not one moderator here that looks forward to deleting threads or has a power trip thing going on. Sometimes things go sour, and need to be stopped. I would say for those of you caught up in a thread that got locked who wish to make an apology, PM the moderator, and I'm sure a post can be worked out. This trend towards making moderators out to be the bad guys(girls) of the forum is both unfounded and hurtfull. We do this out of love, not spite, and aren't paid a cent for our trouble. A little more understanding on everybodys part will only make things better.

The name of the game is to share our enthusiasm of these instruments and related items. Again, if you have a problem with something going on in a thread, or question whether or not your response is within guidelines, PM the moderator.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by thinneckrick »

Its all good . I have no ill feelings about any of you . I dont even now you . all i know is that you all are to quick till kill threads . As ive said before . Musicians are passionate by nature . As long as there are no personal attacks, Vulgarity or blatant abuse, No harm no fowl . Some issues need to be discused even if it seems intense . But that is what makes us Human . The ability to reason . This is a good forum . It could be a great forum . All you need to do is concentrate on the issues at hand and not take things personal . Peace to all of you and Happy and healthy new year
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by admin »

Thanks Jeff. We will try harder.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by gibsonlp »

My opinion is pretty simple:

Nothing that is related to our instruments should be a taboo, and if someone thinks the original part X could have been better - he should be able to say it out loud, people (or companies) who can't take criticism will never improve and evolve, I think that it's not only a matter of being able to speak up, every creative action (music, crafting, etc...) should be subjected to criticism, good or bad.

I also think that censorship is bad, however - unless I missed some really big posts - I didn't see any censorship around here, only clean up of bad language and hurtful messages, people should remember that there are other people at the other end, "talking to computers" make it cold and harsh and make people say things they would never dream of saying to the fellow forumite in person.
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by leftybass »

Look, this 'asking me to think' buisness is just a little too much for me.... :mrgreen:

I have always tried to practice the art of 'walking away' from a good argument, for in some cases you just can't predict what will be solved by participating.

We learn from eachother here everyday, and I'd like to keep it that way.....have fun and know when to run. :wink:
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Re: Around and Around: Thinking Before Posting

Post by 1965 »

gibsonlp wrote:Nothing that is related to our instruments should be a taboo, and if someone thinks the original part X could have been better - he should be able to say it out loud, people (or companies) who can't take criticism will never improve and evolve, I think that it's not only a matter of being able to speak up, every creative action (music, crafting, etc...) should be subjected to criticism, good or bad.
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