Jangle Box

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Jangle Box

Post by byrddog »

Oh my Lord! Why would anyone put this magnificent piece of mucical engineering under one's foot! The Jangle Box belongs in a gold framed panel board! I barrowed one from a friend and that did me...Saving for one now!
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Post by 6l6 »

You'll see nothing but praise for this wonderful box in this Forum. Everyone should own one!

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Post by firstbassman »

I have been reading and enjoying the Ric forum for over two years and finally got a logon.
I admit I am far from a good guitar player but am I really the only person who is less than thrilled with this device?
[I apologize for a somewhat 'negative' first post.]
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Post by varmint »

Welcome to the site, Mark!
I'm curious (because I think Santa's bringing me one), what didn't and what did you like about it?
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Post by firstbassman »

I will gladly give you my opinion (possibly off-line) but I think you should try it and hear it for yourself first.
Kinda like someone telling you about a movie before you see it.
Hope that makes sense and that you see my point.
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Post by varmint »

I'm not sure if you're worried about people flaming you, but I think it's safe to voice your opinion here. I believe everyone posting in these forums are adult enough to respect that. However, I also respect your right to keep your opinions to yourself, so no problem!
I suppose if I really hate it, I can always send it back. ;^)
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Post by kkm »

i returned mine. im pretty sure a part of my problem is not liking the sound of almost any pedal. i would rather hear the pure natural sweet tone of a great tube amp. i realized i cant accept a pedal sucking that quality away (to my ears).

i tried over and over to get into pedals (i just recently ebayed a maxon ad 999 analog delay i had for a month). but its no use. i always prefer the amp direct.
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Post by trancedental »

The Diamond Compressor sounds great for recording perhaps a similar vintage/retro sound like the Janglebox but I'm guessing might be slightly more transparent?


Best sounding pedal compressor I've heard or used IMO, as good as rackmount compressors.
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Post by shamustwin »

My Janglebox should be winging it's way to my doorstep any day now. My purchase was based on what I've read here. Though I do find the sound of my Rick 12 "straight" is wonderful.

I also want to get a pod and try the compression on that (I've used my bass pod with my 12 - suppose that would be the same thing).
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Post by chingnchime »

I received my janglebox about a month ago, and it's really great. I do find that if you turn both knobs up all the way you get a pumping sound, which of course, is not a good thing, but one doesn't really need to use the full-on setting. If you back it off a bit it still gives loads of compression. The solo on NOWHERE MAN never sounded so good.
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Post by firstbassman »

OK, back into the fray. Since my early post back in December, I have listened to some more online examples of the JBox in use (besides the ones on their web site) and have also played with it some more on my own. And I've come up with a theory. Mr. Lasko is free of course to comment.
It seems as if the JBox's qualities become much more apparent while playing lead or picking style. (*) The individual strings or pairs ring out with more of that “jangly” sound (for lack of a better term).
However, I am mostly a rhythm player. And during the strumming of open chords, the JBox effect seems to be much less pronounced. And thus the reason for my less than stirring experience with it.
Does this make sense to anyone or match their experience?
[Disclaimer: This is all subjective on my part. I am also far, FAR from a good guitar player.]

* In fact I remember that someone here (Paul W?) posted in another thread that the “secret” of the “jangle” was the fact that Roger plays with metal fingerpicks.
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Post by the_tonebender »

There isn't a better stomp compressor out there. My Ric 370/12 never sounded so good. Besides, Roger McGuinn uses one and swears by them. Nuff said. My .02.
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Post by janglebox »

Mark, you may have a point about technique affecting the jangle. I have a friend who plays my Ric 12s with a sort of chop and comp technique—a blues/rock rhythm where he likes to damp the strings with the heel of his hand after striking a chord. This cuts out any sustain, and essentially any ringing and chime. It's a cool style, just not conducive to creating what we consider 'jangle'—especially on a 12-string.

But I don't know if diminished jangle is necessarily an issue of strumming vs. finger picking. A full chord strummed rhythm like "Feel a Whole Lot Better", allowing the open strings to sing out, has all the jangle to my ears as the finger-picked lead of "Bells of Rhymney". I think it has more to do with sustain. Metal finger picks? Yes, I like 'em and use 'em because they add a lot of clarity.

As regards maximizing the compression on your JangleBox, one (perhaps obvious) thing to keep in mind is that your guitar’s volume knob should be turned up almost to max. Turn your amp down, or lower the JB Gain, to reduce the actual output volume. The reason, of course, is if you’re not pumping in enough dBs from your guitar into your JB, there’s nothing for JangleBox to compress.

Just a couple of things to consider.
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Post by janglebox »

John, thanks so much!

Jerry: please be patient with us. The award from Guitar Player has been terrific, but it also has slammed our small operation with a ton of orders. We're doing the best we can to keep the back orders from getting out of hand.
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Post by firstbassman »

Thanks for the info. Much appreciated and will give it a go.
Been meaning to write in a "support call" to you but never seemed to get around to it.
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