Timeless Flight Flown?

Those who flock to The Byrds
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Timeless Flight Flown?

Post by leep »

Is it still possible to find reasonably priced copies of the first edition of Johnny Rogan's "Timeless Flight"?

Amazon.co.uk only has "Timeless Flight Revisited" (the sequel) in Hardcover for around 40 U.S. dollars. BarnesandNoble.com has only ONE copy of the first edition of "Timeless Flight" in their out-of-print book section. That ONE copy is listed at $600.00 !!!

Are there any alternatives to ordering this book (the first or the revisited edition) from overseas?

Hook me up someone! Do I hear a copier in the background?! E-mail my sorry arse if you so desire to help a Byrdmaniac literally FIENDING for a FIX! (leepax@frognet.net)
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Post by terry »

Lee Paxton wrote:
Is it still possible to find reasonably priced copies of the first edition of Johnny Rogan's "Timeless Flight"?

Yes, occasionally. One 1981 first edition in great shape recently went up for auction on eBay December 2, 2000 for $9.99. It sold December 12, 2000 for $15.50.

Amazon.co.uk only has "Timeless Flight Revisited" (the sequel) in Hardcover for around 40 U.S. dollars.

Here's the Amazon.co.uk page.

BarnesandNoble.com has only ONE copy of the first edition of "Timeless Flight" in their out-of-print book section. That ONE copy is listed at $600.00!!!

Barnes & Noble now lists two copies of the
1981 first edition.Here's the $600.00 copy.And here's the other copy for only $750.00!

Are there any alternatives to ordering this book (the first or the revisited edition) from overseas?

Try Music Machine (East Coast) or The Bomp Bookshelf at Bomp Records (West Coast). Or you might try a good search engine such as Google. That should bring up U.S. bookstores that might list it or carry it.

Hook me up someone! Do I hear a copier in the background?! E-mail my sorry arse if you so desire to help a Byrdmaniac literally FIENDING for a FIX!

Why not just order the latest September 1998 edition? It's a whopping 735 pages plus a 32-page photo section and an index (finally). That oughta keep you busy until you can find (or afford!) a copy of the 1981 first edition, which admittedly has text and photos that were edited out of later editions.

Timeless Flight [1981] by John Rogan
ISBN 0 905906 30 6, Scorpion/ Dark Star
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Post by leep »

In your opinion, Tomcat, is the first edition any better than the new one, or is this mearly subjective? And, for example, what part (or parts) of the first edition were edited out of the new one? Real juicy parts? Funky drugs? Scandalous details? Inquiring minds want to know!

Post by tim »

I have an original copy (1981) plus a revised/updated paperback edition (late 80s) plus the 'Revisited' hardback. What I'd really like is a copy of Bud Scoppa's book from the 60s. Any ideas?
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Post by leep »

How about Andrew Weiner's book from 1972?

Post by fatrat »

Ive got the Byrds Scoppa book in a medium size paperback, (not a pocket style paperback) it looks like its from the late 60s, is that the one your talking about???
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Post by terry »

Fatrat: If you've actually got a paperback copy of The Byrds by Bud Scoppa, it should say "1st printing . . . September 1971" inside somewhere on one of the first few pages.

The Byrds [1971] by Bud Scoppa


thats it....I dug it out and its a 1st from 71....

pssssssssss its me, Im in cog'neato, someone is after me, Im dissapearing by the second...
someone has erasing my post and comments.....

see the mask ???

Post by FRANK »

dear Rickenbacker forum...
I appologise for my childish behavour...
I assure each and everyone of you my intent wasnt to hurt anyone....
Please accept my appologies....
From this day forward I will no longer go under the handle FATRAT....I will use my name:
good day

Post by LONNY »

whats that Scoppa book going for I want one....
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Post by terry »

There's a copy currently on eBay for under $20. Hope this helps.
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Post by rick12dr »

I have both the Scoppa book I got in '71, as well as the 1st ed. of Rogans. Rogan borrows a lot from Scoppas book if I remember correctly, as well as basically reprints fragments of a Lot of 60s and 70s Byrds mag. articles.FWIW, Crosby and Hillman have no time for Rogan.....

Post by LONNY »

thanks guys...LON
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Post by terry »

Dr. wrote:
FWIW, Crosby and Hillman have no time for Rogan.....

Quote:I Have Seen That Movie, And It Wasn't Like That

BW: There is a lot of detail about Michael's last days that I hadn't ever heard before in the new version of Johnny Rogan's book...

DC: Rogan is not actually a very good source. Johnny Rogan thinks he knows everything, and he speaks with great authority, but he is repeatedly wrong. If you sit down with that book, I can show you 24 mistakes in the first 7 pages. He comes off as if he really knows everything, and he is an opinionated little son of a *****, but he is continually misinformed. And I would like to go on record as saying "Do not take Johnny Rogan as an accurate source, because he damn well isn't." He can't even spell names, let alone get facts right.

BW: There's a funny interview where Chris Hillman runs into him sometime after that book comes out and just gives him the dickens. And Rogan recounts it, pretty much at his own expense, somewhere. He basically got the bum's rush from Hillman, and it's like a three paragraph interview.

DC: I'm not surprised. You know, Chris feels, I'm sure, very much the same way I do. The guy is... you know, he comes off opinionated as hell and acts like he really knows what the hell he is talking about and he really damn well doesn't. If he had expressed all of his misinformation as opinion, I would have said, fine, he has a right to all the opinions he wants. But he purports it to be the facts, and he is sadly mistaken.

The ByrdWatcher Interview: David Crosby
Cleveland, Ohio - Saturday, June 20, 1998 Well, yes, I can see how Rogan's book might be construed by some as being a somewhat biased, thinly-veiled, "ghost-written" McGuinn autobiography of sorts (the eternally forthcoming A Byrd's Eye View notwithstanding). Nevertheless, each of the original five still took the time to autograph your 1st edition, no?

BTW, Don, have you noticed the recent wave of, shall we say, unstable and "irrational exuberance" sweeping through the Forum under a variety of monikers over the past week or so? There seems to be a particularly virulent strain of "my favorite group created all things and is 'bigger than Christ'" mentality currently festering on another thread in this Forum subdivision. Repeated good-guy/bad-guy attempts to elicit or provoke a response from anyone have thus far proved a complete failure and would seem to indicate a certain amount of frustration.

Although there is considerable counterpoint to the ill-informed smugness exhibited in the aforementioned thread, does one respond in the spirit of objective discussion and attempt to enlighten the unenlightened with a few facts? Or does one merely risk igniting an endless flame war by "taking the bait," responding to voluminous provocation, and "feeding a gloat troll" who evidently has more free computer time than some of the rest of us combined? How does one strike a balance between leaving ill-informed nonsense unchallenged on an otherwise intelligent forum, and potentially banging heads endlessly with volatile self-absorbed instability which evidently needs to feed an ego with a seemingly unnatural desire for attention?

As the designated official Byrds Forum consultant, what, pray tell, might the good Dr.'s counsel or recommendation be for dealing with such a potentially unhealthy situation? Take a West Coast California approach and just be cool and laid-back about the whole thing? Adopt a more Canadian approach, as seen in the ongoing Nick Thiel vs. "Poshdemon/DjDxoxo" thing? Perhaps adopt a more Christian approach and "love your enemies" till they just can't take it no more? Or maybe adopt a more Islamic approach and declare an all-out Jihad against any blasphemous "Infidel" who strays into the wrong forum spewing heresy? Or perhaps a combination of all the above?! ("It's cool, brother man, brother man. But you're wrong and you suck. Die, you opinionated scum! Peace, love, and granola.") Image What say ye, good Dr.?!

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Post by markthemd »

Does that make me Scotty?
So you too want yours "ALAPWOB"?!?!
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