Who Offers Rickenbacker Bridge With Roller Saddles?

Setup, repair and restoration of Rickenbacker Instruments

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Who Offers Rickenbacker Bridge With Roller Saddles?

Post by fatrat »

I read somewhere that someone in Japan is making the 60s roller saddle style bridge for Rickenbackers with Accent vibratos. I would like to get one for my 320. Got any ideas?
I've seen them on Ebay but it is rare. Ebay is such a game these days, sitting and waiting at the very last minute.

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Post by markthemd »

It would be easier to modify an existing new bridge .You could have it done AND get the roller to follow the 10" radius ..if that is what your fretboard measures at .Have that checked out by someone or make a template out of poster board.Draw a 10" radius with a compass and cut it out.Lay it on the bare fretboard and see if it matches .Then having a machine shop mod the saddles is the next step.
So you too want yours "ALAPWOB"?!?!

Post by fatrat »

What would you use for the rollers? They look like string ball ends and the machine shops around here would need a real one to go by or a very detailed picture. Thanks Mark I love to read your answers. You're always informative and helpful.

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Post by markthemd »

They ARE string ball ends!!!!Amazing but true!

The trick is the radius of the fretboard and matching it .Lets just say that what you have is indeed the modern standard of 10" radius.

This is a simple thing to draw out .
Set a compass (you don't need an official one ,just two holes in a piece of anything and stick a pin in one end and a pencil out the other. Draw an arch.
Measure the distance from one E string to the other E string .this is your width of the strings from middle of the saddles.

To get the space between the other strings (measure the outside distance and divide by 5 that is the space inbetween the strings.
Lay that out on the arch .
Instant saddle layout and height etc.Take this and the bridge to a machine shot with a drawing of what you want ...it does not need to be drafted out .Find some guy that is into it and does not need to have a CAD drawing .This is a simple machinist thing .
So you too want yours "ALAPWOB"?!?!


My guitar is a 1981 325. What do you use for the pins to keep the ball ends rolling and stable. Can a machine shop drill that acurate and on that scale? The bridge is already cut now. Could you just use the notches that are already cut as the mark to place the ball to line it up? What string balls/string company works best for the rollers, so that the strings will go in the slots and wont be to small. I will be using 11 flats. Im going to put Vintage PUs on it too.

How was Lennon's 63 wired? My 320 is wired: middle/bridge lead PUs - switch in treble/towards floor position. Middle/neck PUs - switch in middle position. Neck PUs - switch in bass/top position. Does this sound like Lennon's or a 60s setup?

The only thing I dont like about it is that it sounds like when the switch is toward the floor in the treble position, the lead and middle PUs are out of phase. I would guess that it has to be to work with all 3 pickups or something or does it?

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Post by markthemd »

JohnLennon's middle pickup ,to my knowledge was just a bobbin in a cover .There WAS/IS no wound coil .This was told to me by Bill Meyers the plant foreman .We (he and I ) were talking about this issue of how do you wire a 3 pickup guitar with a switch for a 2 pickup guitar.

This has been discussed to death on the VOXTALKS forum ...so I stand with my opinion .
The only way to really know is to ope up that guitar.
BUT you NEVER EVER heard that 'out of phase' tone from JL's guitar.

Here is a way to wire it .The switch is wired as a 2 pickup guitar as are the volume and tone controls.
The 5th Knob gets wired as the middle control.

To really make the middle pickup useful ,send it to Lindy Fralin and have him reverse wind it .

When you add it to the ciruit it will give you a humbucking mode.NO!!!Not a Gibson style tone ,but a hum canceling mode and the out of phase quality will be gone.You can then add this to the whole curcuit or to either pickup .

If you remove the magnet ,then you get the standard single coil sounds (you must wire the middle coil in series to do this) However there will be no 60 cycle hum!!!

You could again,use the 5th knob to add this feature.

Stock wiring is available at the official site of Rickenbacker.

But yeah ,your sounds about right.Try disconnecting the middle pickup and see if you like the whole sound better.
So you too want yours "ALAPWOB"?!?!

Post by fatrat »

Mark what about the first part of the question??? about the stringball ends roller, best ones to use and the pin question...
thanks FR

Post by Tuck_Hersey »

WITH in Japan makes repro roller bridges. Contact them atwith@netlaputa.ne.jp and tell them I sent you.

Also, a friend of mine in the US makes repro roller saddles as well.
Here are pics of a Rickenbacker bridge with his saddles installed



And this is the vintage Roller Saddle Bridge from the 60's on my 325. His saddles look almost identical to the original, doesn't it? Contact me for his email address if you're interested.


Post by Nick_Thiel »

Rickenbacker will be offering these again at some point due to the new "C" series guitars being issued with them.

Bye-bye pirates.

Post by FRANK »

that not too nice Nick, lets keep things friendly here...we are all friends, right???
I dont believe that Rickenbacker would make these part available for a long time...if they would sell them...
would you have to send in your old bridge????
If you could buy these parts from Rickenbacker what would be the point of buying a C then if you could just buy these parts and put them on your 325 v63, other than some people have to have the newest toy on the block or they just like to buy the same guitars over and over....
I hope you dont find my post offensive, that was not my intent, if you find this posting offensive or do not agree with my views, Please accept my appologies and I will retrack them and agree with you...

Have a very nice day...
and may the sun always shine where you are...
All is good and right.....


Post by Nick_Thiel »

I didn't mean to **** anyone off, it was just a warning to those people who are investing money into these things. If Ric is going to offer them, the market is short lived for those who have taken the time to come up with these repro parts on the side.

When you get the chance to compare the 325C64 to the V63, you will see that a bridge wouldn't be all it needed to change it over. The C64 is a completely different guitar inside and out.

Post by FRANK_R. »

I dont want to come off as being a smartA@@...
but can you tell me other than the fact that the propaganda says these C guitars with be exact replicas of the real thing, why I would want to shell out the 3000.00 for a 325C??? is it worth the 2000.00 for a bridge and a few other parts and someone measured it and it's body is this thick, so on and so on??? and they're only going to make 1000 or whatever....
I just dont see it???
what could be the different in it and the vintage reissue thats out now????
I guess what Im getting at is where does this end???
the reissues in the 80s were supose to be "IT"...
Im not trying to be negative here....
but what are us poor folks going to do now, if we want a Rick 325???
You only have to go over and look at what this did for Gibson and the Les Paul, 335, firebird Prices to see what this will do to the 80s-90s Rickenbacker reissue series....
I may be paranoid or think too much....
But I think that all these guitar companies Gibson being way ahead of the game.... have made tons of these guitars and flooded the market with them and went over to ebay and saw all those used guitars that they have to compete with.
made reissues, limited editions, heritages, this and that...not to mention they raised the price of the cheaper line and got everybody use to paying 2000.00 for a new Les Paul and then everyone who has a Les Paul tryies to sell it for 1500.00 used...it doesnt kill the used market, but it sho do slow it down and it makes the new ones not look so bad either...
Oh yes....I remember back 10 years ago, when we were young we didnt take baths cause we didnt have water and we walked to school and we ate leaves and played with chickens feet for toys
....and a Les Pauls sold used for 500.00, and we liked it....

Post by Nick_Thiel »

I think it's well worth it to many people out there.

The V series has been produced for over ten years and there are many floating around out there in the used market. These new C series guitars were developed because of the growing concern over the inaccuracies of the V series. This has been going on for the last few years and just built up to the point where Mr. Hall saw the need to correct these guitars.

When the V series was developed in the 80s, the need for dead-nuts accurate reissues didn't really come into play because the public information was sparse, they just wanted something that looked like a Beatle guitar. But after time as more of these guitars hit the market, people started to notice discrepancies between the real vintage guitars and these newer offerings, people started to voice their opinions. The Internet really was a crucial part in this exchange of information and slowly escalated to where people who had never ever seen or held a Ric became well versed in the differences between a V series guitar and its vintage grandfather. This is still true because I've recently seen people moaning about how useless the Kauffman is, but I doubt that they have ever even seen or used a Kauffman, once again recycled information.

The C series is the ultimate offering to those people who really care about headstocks, pick guards, pick-ups, tail pieces, body dimensions, etc… Anyone who buys a C series guitar and isn't versed in its accuracy, will discover how perfect it is over time. I can remember when I got my first 360V64 and I thought myself "WOW, it's exactly like Harrison's". But after a few years of flipping through pictures and watching old film I realized that it wasn't like Harrison's at all. These little things started to eat away at me over time and then I discovered a few websites on the net where people felt the same way as I did and of course I discovered more information about these reissues that made them different. I'm not saying that the 360V64 isn't a cool guitar, it is, but it wasn't what I thought it was when I bought it.

My advice to anyone who doesn't care about accuracy, is to buy a V series guitar. Rickenbacker sold an enormous amount of these V series guitars and could have gone on forever ignoring what the ever-growing population of frustrated Ric enthusiasts wanted. Frank, judging by your enthusiasm upon recent discovery of websites like this, you would have likely joined those ranks over time too. It's like a virus that people catch and can't shake.

Post by FRANK »

Im sorry but Im not convinced.....its not that I dont want them to come out or Im some negative party pooper....
I just think that realisticly the market for a 3000.00 325 is a small one, I guess thats why they are limited...is that correct????
You still really didnt tell me why I would want to spend 2000.00 more on a few parts and acurate measurements??? why stop making the V ???
It just seems like a way to make the used Rick V reissue series go up so that you will get people use to paying 3000.00 for a Rick guitar??? if you can get one...plus Rickenbacker really only make so many guitars a month anyway theyre backed up all the time, so this wont look as bad if they say its a limited edition and you cant get one...
All this is great for Rickenbacker, not so great for public... In 4 years 3000.00 for a 325 wont look too bad and we pay more anyway you look at it, all these different V series not being available & C series coming out its going to make it more exspensive to own a Rickenbacker...its all supply and demand..
people are always going to want Beatles intruments.....it doesnt have a thing to do with how many there are, except to the Rick company who wants the used/ebay market Rick resale market slowed down some, they would like it to go away... its hurting their sales and causing dealers with new Ricks to have to sell cheaper and cheaper making less, I feel for them, some of them....Everytime Ive sold a Rickenbacker on ebay I get loads of people from over seas asking me to please sell to them becasue a Rick guitar in italy sells for 3000.00 in american dollars now....they can come out cheaper buying used... Americans can get a used one or sometimes even a new one on EBAY for 300 or 400 less than you local Rick dealer...its hard enough for dealers to have to compete with other dealers...
Plus Joe Public will assume after a while, Hey my 325v63 is worth more now, they dont make em anymore, Im keeping it or getting 2000.00, cause you gotta pay 3100.00 for a C series...
I was told that 3100.00 was the cheapest model, is that wrong???
I have already seen auctions on Ebay:
Rickenbacker 360-12v64
this is a 1998 Rick 360-12 v64 get this one while you can they are no longer available, bla, bla, bla....get this one while they're still affordable bla bla bla....the bid starts at 1000.00...hit the buy now for 1300.00...
While most 360-12v64s go for 1100.00 used now, before all this talk I remember they went for 800.00-1000.00...not a big difference now but wait 2 years from now....
I noticed on GBase that the dealers are trying to fetch 1500.00 for a used one....
Do you see my point.....
Im not going to change a thing or your mind on this and I know it...theres nothing I can do about it..I want you to pay 3000.00 for one, and feel great doing it!!!
I dont want to keep anybody from pay 4000.00 if they want to for a dead on 58 325 company COPY... its still not going to be a real 50s 325, will you nuts (I mean that nicely) really be happy with a 2002 model copy of the real thing....
Ive had the Rickenbacker bug for over 25 years now, so I know what your talking about....I just know that I will never own a REAL 1958 325 with a Kauffman...or John Lennons guitar and paying 3000.00 for a company copy isnt going to change it.....I hope you can see what Im trying to say? Im not trying to be a jerk....when you get your new C come back and tell us about it, Im interested in what people think and in 3 years we will see what happened to the used V market....

Post by FRANK »

your making me feel like an *** here...
I just read over on another posting that you had something to do with the C series....
I totally get your position and where your coming from....you have a vested interest in seeing these guitars succeed....
nice try buddy....
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