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Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:21 am
by admin
The RickResource Register allows us to learn a great deal about Rickenbacker worldwide.

A review of the Left-handed models is equally fascinating as is the look to the right.

While the percentage of people who are left-handed in the general population is approximately 10 percent, a close look at the Register will reveal an estimate of left-handed Rickenbacker models that is close to 3 percent. This has to make it very difficult for the lefty player to find a Rickenbacker. I would be interested in hearing from "lefties" in this regard.

Of those left-handed models in the Register 54% are basses, 33% are 6 strings and only 13% are 12 strings.

I have always wondered what special considerations the Factory has to make when producing left-handed models and how they decided what proportion will be made (assuming that some may have been made that were not ordered). I have to imagine that left-handed models are picked up very quickly given their relative rarity.

Re: Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:51 am
by leftyguitars
This has to make it very difficult for the lefty player to find a Rickenbacker
Or any quality guitar for that matter although it was much more difficult in years gone by. Usually lefties were only available in the 'base' models and with very limited options (i.e. 10 colour choices for a righty but only black for a lefty). Rickenbacker were one of the few companies in the early '70's where you could order most (but not all) of the catalogue in left handed. Some companies just won't make any lefties full stop (PRS for example), try ordering a lefty Gibson Firebird or Thunderbird bass, even their custom shop won't make one. Rant over, sigh.

Re: Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:08 pm
by jdogric12
Remember a lot of lefties have been forced or chosen to do things righty, including play guitar and bass.

Re: Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:33 pm
by admin
A case in point Jdog. I do wonder, though, how many lefties have missed out on a Rickenbacker.

Re: Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:42 pm
by leftyguitars
A case in point Jdog. I do wonder, though, how many lefties have missed out on a Rickenbacker.
I always wanted a lefty 480 but it wasn't to be as none were ever made. :(

Re: Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:00 pm
by admin
Pete: Why not just play it upside down? :)

Re: Sinistrality Revisited - What's Left

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:35 pm
by leftyguitars
Pete: Why not just play it upside down?
Horror of horrors, aaargh, noooo! :shock:

I really wanted one to match my second hand (left handed but with a right handed neck) 4001 bass during the late seventies.

Incidently, I haven't told many people this until now but I wrote to Rickenbacker in around 1975 to enquire about ordering a new lefty bass, I got a hand typed and signed letter back telling me that they only made lefties when they had a sufficient order built up, and also that they were generally only made in February and October as they were quiet periods that allowed time to retool for lefty production. I was told/asked to confirm my order with a deposit of £30 (to be paid to a local Rickenbacker dealer) which I did. The shop then closed down and I never saw my £30 again :cry:! How I wish I still had that letter.