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Beautiful 1965 450/12

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:49 am
by xpitt
Hello !
Last weekend I visited an old friend of mine who now lives on Mallorca (spanish island in the mediterrainean sea). I knew he had a 450/12, always asked him to sell it to me, but he wanted to keep it - very wise ! But this time I brought a new set of RIC strings with me. He got it out of the case - and it was not in very good condition, he didn't play it for at least 15 years, the hardware was quite tarnished :( So we disassembled evrything, tuners, bridge etc. polished, polished polished and brought back the baby to shine again ! This guitar is now 43 years old and it still looks amazing, everything worked and when we finally plugged it in his old AC 30 :D :D :D I can't tell you how satisfying this day was, even the fact that he doesn't want to sell it ..I'm happy with him that the guitar is alive again. Here is a slideshow of a few pics , enjoy :) ... =slideshow

Re: Beautiful 1965 450/12

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 12:24 pm
by jimk
Glad to hear the guitar is back in service. I hope its owner will be inspired to play it more.


Re: Beautiful 1965 450/12

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:46 pm
by 8mileshigher
Very nice !
You guys did a good job on polishing the hardware on that headstock... What a beauty.

Re: Beautiful 1965 450/12

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:55 pm
by kiramdear
(slurp) Real nice job. 8)

Re: Beautiful 1965 450/12

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:02 am
by Janglyman

Great pix!! I have a '66 that looks just like it. My understanding is that there are not many 450-12 MG's out there. Is this true?
Since I am a computer Luddite, can someone explain how to send photos to the Forum?


Re: Beautiful 1965 450/12

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:47 am
by xpitt
Russel, I haven't posted pics here directly yet, so maybe somebody else can help. But if you registrate to photobucket everything is quite easy, the handling is quite intuitive, copy and paiste in - no problem ! I 'm looking forward to seeing yours !
Can anybody help how many were built these days ? My friend as well said that there are not too many around.