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"The Byrds-My Way"-By Jimmi Seiter

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:55 pm
by mcd220
Hi Guys-

Wanted to pass on the info that long time Byrds road manager Jimmi Seiter is preparing an eBook on his memoirs of working for The Byrds, Flying Burrito Brothers, etc, and he wants to hear from folks who are potentially interested in purchasing his works.

The book will be 8 chapters (He has 4 done so far), but each chapter has at least 40 sub-chapters, a complete book in itself, and looking over all the chapter titles, this looks like it will be a VERY COMPREHENSIVE read!

I'm contributing with photo restorations (He has HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS of Byrds pics that have never been seen!!) and stuff, and needless to say, can't wait to read this. I can't think of anyone who is more suited, more in the know, to write the story than someone who was actually there, working side by side with our guys for so many years.

He mentions that he's been misquoted, and/or quotes taken out of context, for many years now in various publications, and now he's anxious to finish the story, "His way".

Jimmy signed on with the band right around the time of 5D, and with the exception of a brief detour to work with the FBB, he stayed with The Byrds almost to the very end.

Anyway, he wants to gather names and addresses, and everyone is welcome to contact him here at his work address if they wish:


Best, Christian

Re: "The Byrds-My Way"-By Jimmi Seiter

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:09 am
by jimk
I'm very interested, Christian. I'll send him a note.

Re: "The Byrds-My Way"-By Jimmi Seiter

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:04 pm
by 242_foxtrot
I would be interested! :D

Re: "The Byrds-My Way"-By Jimmi Seiter

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:46 pm
by manta
Make it iPad compatible and I'm in!!

You can use Quark or InDesign to lay it out as a real book and then convert to retain that so it isn't so clunky like most e-books, especially if photos are a major part of the book.

Or lay it out in's Booksmart program and it will be automatically converted to a nicely laid out e-book he would have the option to sell on iTunes.

PM me if you want to learn more about that option.

I am interested for sure.