Changed Strings on my 620, and now the keywinds buzz

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Changed Strings on my 620, and now the keywinds buzz

Post by raygunpyle »

I just had my first experience changing out strings on my 620. I should have listened to everyones advice and changed them one string at a time :( , but I just had to look at all the cool components one by one and I wanted to clean all the dust out. I got the tailpiece back on and started to go ahead and put the strings on. I got all six on no problem. I had to adjust my bridge slightly since it wanted the angle towards the pickups the more I played. I was worried with that problem at first :shock: The bridge is good now, the strings all stay in tune, yet I get a buzz around the headstock. Did I maybe leave to much slack on the strings or something? I can't hear the buzzing through the amp, so it isn't a huge deal, but I want to string the correct way and make it look just as nice as it came from the factory. I couldn't get any RIC brand strings because I live quite far from any dealers. I put Elixers on it that are the same gauge that are recommended for the 620.

Any advice?
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Re: Changed Strings on my 620, and now the keywinds buzz

Post by Clint »

The string may be buzzing against the truss rod cover. That's happened to me a couple of times. The best way to avoide this is to make sure the string is well seated, with as few wraps as possible. A piece of double sided tape on the under side of the TRC does a good job dampening the vibration as well. Also, check for loose screws on both the keywinds and TRC.
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Re: Changed Strings on my 620, and now the keywinds buzz

Post by jdawe »

I don't think the brand of string you're using is the issue. All I can suggest is that you systematically try to isolate what is rattling by touching different points on the headstock and string ends and trying to make the noise stop. A loose screw somewhere seems to me like a likely culprit.
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Re: Changed Strings on my 620, and now the keywinds buzz

Post by raygunpyle »

jdawe wrote:I don't think the brand of string you're using is the issue. All I can suggest is that you systematically try to isolate what is rattling by touching different points on the headstock and string ends and trying to make the noise stop. A loose screw somewhere seems to me like a likely culprit.

You were right! The nut on the keywind for the D string was loose causing a rattle. Tightened that up and no more buzz! Thanks so much!
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