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Search & Seizure - I Feel Fine - 1994

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:09 pm
by iiipopes
No, not a Beatles cover. This is a song my band Search & Seizure wrote and recorded in 1994. Yes, it has Beatles influence all over it: the 12-string in the right channel droning on played by yours truly, yes, in one take (a side story all its own), doubled on a Strat by our other guitar player in the left channel; stacked vocals; yours truly playing bass on my 4002; and yours truly with the low vocal on verse 3. No, unfortunately we never got around to releasing the album. If you want to play it in your band, just please acknowledge the source. Thanks.
02 I Feel Fine.mp3
(8.91 MiB) Downloaded 155 times

Re: Search & Seizure - I Feel Fine - 1994

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:57 pm
by iiipopes
OK, with the release of the "last" Beatles song, Now and Then, I had to bump this thread. More details: compression on the bass, pillow and close-mik-ing the drums, the aforementioned double tracking of guitars, fx on the vocals, etc., all the studio tricks pioneered by the Beatles. Yes, others did one, some, or all of these techniques, but the Beatles brought them all together (now).

Thanks for the bump.