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Treble Bezels

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 9:37 am
by Bighouse
As I will soon be making some adjustments to my 1982 Mapleglo, I’m considering removing the fake horseshoe surround on the treble pup and replacing it with the treble bezel available from the Rickenbacker boutique. However, I notice theirs is only available in black plastic. So, two questions:

1. Has anyone installed a plastic “chromed” one from a third party- and how’s it held up with use?
2. Is the thumb rest of any use?

Re: Treble Bezels

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 4:18 pm
by lumgimfong
Yes, worked great, but I don't use it anymore since changing pickups, so I cannot speak to longevity.
It is a chrome one with the raised edge for the thumb, which also works great.
Now I just rest my thumb on the pickup though since it is about level with the stock surround.
This is the one I have:

Re: Treble Bezels

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:49 pm
by Bighouse
I think I'll measure my pickup and the mounting system, and design my own treble bezel. I've got a Prusa 3D printer here at home and use it for a lot of stuff, so it might be nice to just make my own to fit perfectly on by bass. That way, if I want to customize it for a thumb rest or concave, I can do so easily enough and just reprint it.

It won't be chrome, but I can do it in a black that'll look nice...unless...wonder what white might look like to match the pickguard???

Oh, I also notice that there must be a change from the 4001 to the 4003 treble pickup mounting ring bracket. In photos I see from the Tubeampology website, there appears to be a "dip" in the edges as it moves across the strings. My chrome mounting bracket is flush along the two long sides and doesn't dip down. So designing and making my own is now an even better option for me.

Re: Treble Bezels

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:05 am
by Bighouse
I 3D modeled and then 3D printed my own.

Re: Treble Bezels

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:16 pm
by JackTheRipper


Re: Treble Bezels

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:50 pm
by Bighouse
JackTheRipper wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:16 pm Nice!

Thanks, Jack. If anyone with a 4001 has access to a 3d printer, I'll be happy to share the STL file I created to make it.