Rebel With A Cause:

by Peter McCormack

The Iron Door wasn't rough

"Just Like Me"
Tony Jackson in 1996
Photo ©1996 The Beat Goes On Magazine

Part Three: Liverpool Cellar Clubs

The Cavern and The Iron Door

The Searchers played many clubs in Liverpool, however, those that drew the most attention were The Cavern and The Iron Door. Jackson emphasized "There were so many venues in Liverpool but they did not have the intimacy of these cellar clubs." In comparing these clubs he responded "Each club was as good as the other." When questioned about the rather rough nature of these clubs he stated "The Iron Door wasn't rough". This statement provides some insight into the personality of Tony Jackson who has been known to stand his ground when necessary. At one point in his music career he was known as Black Jake (McCormack, 2001b). Indeed, an element of toughness was associated with Scouser Music during the 1960s in Liverpool (McCormack, 1999). Liverpool promoter Sam Leach found that the Iron Door "was a little rougher because I got more people least three times the Cavern's average attendance". (Leach, 2002)

Tony related that Les Akerley was the manager of the Iron Door and also of The Searchers in 1963. Mr. Akerley arranged for a recording session at the Iron Door in which a demo tape was made with the aim of securing a recording contract. At the time of this interview, The Searchers' "Live At The Iron Door" CD had recently been released and Tony indicated that it was the "very same songs" as in the original demo that won the group the Pye recording contract. These songs included: Sweets For My Sweet; All My Sorrows; Jambalaya; Rosalie; Darling Do You Miss Me; Maybelline; Sho' Know a Lot About Love; Maggie Mae; Let's Stomp; Ain't That Just Like Me; and Sweet Little Sixteen.

Part Four: The Hamburg Experience

The Searchers with Jackson in 1963

"The Liverpool Club Days"
The Searchers (1963)
Curtis, McNally, Pender and Jackson
Photo ©1963 Peter Kaye


Allen, Frank - The Travelling Man - On The Road With The Searchers Aureus Publishing, 1999

Bolton, Rob - The Searchers - Bolton's USA Site July 2002

Clough, Roy - Personal communication July 21, 2002

Jackson, Tony - Personal communication July 14, 2002

Leach, Samuel - Personal communication May 22, 2002

Leach, Samuel - The Rocking City: The Explosive Birth of the Beatles Gwynedd: Pharoh Press, 1999.

Leigh, Spencer Let's Go Down The Cavern: The Story Of Liverpool's Merseybeat London: Vermillion and Company Limited, 1984.

McCormack, Peter - The Liverpool Factor: "Routes" to the Beatles' Success. The Liverpool Project, June 18, 1999.

McCormack, Peter - John McNally's Guitar Influences April 16, 2000a

McCormack, Peter - The History Of Tony Jackson - The Needles and Pins Searchers' Information Page, May 26, 2000b

McCormack, Peter - Liverpool's Iron Door Club: A Watershed in British Rock Music - The Liverpool Project, March 27, 2001a

McCormack, Peter - Tony Jackson and The Vibrations: On The Road With Black Jake" - The Needles and Pins Searchers' Information Page, July 7, 2001b.

McCormack, Peter - John McNally's Hofner Club 60: Liverpool's Fastest Rhythm Guitar - The Needles and Pins Searchers Information Page July 23, 2001c

McCormack, Peter - MIKE PENDER'S SEARCHERS and Tony Jackson - The Needles and Pins Searchers Information Page, July 21, 2002

Roe, Tommy - Personal Communication March 9, 2002

Searchers' Official Website - The Searchers' Guitars 1963-1998 July 2001

 July 21, 2002
© 2002 Peter McCormack. All rights reserved.

Part Two: American Music InfluencesPart Four: The Hamburg Experience

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