Here, There And Everywhere

Performing and Interpreting Shadows' Music
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Here, There And Everywhere

Post by admin »

The following is a short except from a most interesting interview conducted by Ultimate Thanks goes to Roy Clough who passed this information along.
Ultimate-Guitar: One of the tracks on your new album is an instrumental cover of The Beatles’ Here There And Everywhere. Is it true that the original track, without lyrics, was offered up to The Shadows to record by Paul McCartney whom later, changed his mind, added lyrics and recorded it with The Beatles instead?

Hank B Marvin: That’s absolutely true. We were recording an album in 1965, in the UK, and Paul was always coming in and nicking ideas (laughs) and one time asked if he could play us this tune he’d written which he thought would be good for us. So he played the tune on piano and we thought it was beautiful. So he offered to send it to us on a cassette the following week. But he never did so we waited and waited for the cassette and I’m still waiting! (laughs) Anyway a few months later the Revolver album came out and I had got a copy and was playing it through when one of the songs sounded familiar and I thought, ‘I know this tune, Here, There and Everywhere’. So when this album – Guitar Man - came up, I just fancied having a crack at it after all these years as it is such a good tune.
You can find the complete article here.
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Re: Here, There And Everywhere

Post by doctorwho »

That's a fascinating bit of rock history.
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Re: Here, There And Everywhere

Post by doctorno »

Yes, and it is also a very good album by Mr. Marvin. I have seldomly listened to a record as often as to this one. Sometimes the arrangements are a little too commercial for my taste but the playing of Hank Marvin is great and he has chosen great tunes.
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