Non-Rickenbacker Guitars & Effects

Moderator: jingle_jangle

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Post by whojamfan »

Not really so new for me-2 months-but just wanted to put it through the paces before sharing. This is a delay and reverb together in a small MXR Dynacomp size box that delivers big sound. The delay goes all the way up to 2 seconds, and the reverb can get really lush and deep, without sounding like so many digital reverbs artificial sound. True bypass and all analog signal path, my tone stays the same and the delay and reverb are blended in. Sounds fantastic with my 330 with toasters.

Definitely worth a look if you want both effects in 1 small box and don't need all the bells and whistles or tap tempo. This is the "Gee, I don't need a programming degree or have to turn this knob this way while standing on my head to access that feature " persons pedal. 4 knobs, quick to dial in, and sounds killer.

You can also use it as just a delay or just a reverb.
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